Thursday, October 31, 2013

All Hallow's Eve

Hello my friends.

It is that time of the year again. When the veil between the worlds grow thin. Today in The Bronx is a lovely gray day with peaks of sunshine coming through. I been having a lot going on here, still I can feel the mystical energy grow. Finally, I'm free to enjoy this day and lay down burdens I have been carrying.

Here to join us on this day is the lovely Lena Horne as Glinda The Good Witch from The Wiz (1978).

Reminding us that the strongest magic is our belief in ourselves.

It's also a time to remember our loved ones and ancestors who have passed on. This is reflected in Halloween, El Dia De Muertos and All Soul's Day.

I like to write the names of all my loved ones , family and friends, and place it next to a candle to honor them. I also include "to all my ancestors whose names are unknown." This year I'm burning a purple candle. You can also use orange, black or white. Or whatever color speaks to you this time of year.

I'm wishing you all a wonderful All Hallow's Eve.

P.S. If you like to subscribe to my monthly newsletter about intuition go here. This month is about dreaming about our loved ones who have crossed over.


Friday, October 25, 2013


Happy Friday, my friends.

I'm feeling more like myself today. Just in time for Magical Movie Friday
at Swan of Dreamers. This time I'm not going to share a movie, but one
of my favorite Halloween inspired episodes of all time from one
of my fave shows Beauty and The Beast. I am sure I have talked about
this episode before on my blog, it bears repeating.

The episode Masques comes from the original Beauty and The Beast tv show
that aired from 1987 - 1990 starring Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman. I tried to watch the updated version on CW, but couldn't get into it. If anyone has watched the new one, please share your thoughts in the comments.

I remember when I first saw the episode. I was a sophomore in college.
My bf at the time has went home for the weekend. It was a Friday night,
I was excited about watching Beauty and The Beast. I had fell in love
with it from the beginning.

What stuck out for me the most was when Vincent meets his favorite
author and she explains the old history of Halloween to him. To me this
is one of the best descriptions of what Halloween is all about. It is
a beautiful episode full of magic, love, longing and dreams.

Here is a commercial for the Masques episode.

P.S. Still in fundraising for the show Urban Aura I'm directing. We only need $435 dollars to reach our goal. Any amount you wish to donate would be awesome. Help to get this great show to have wings.Thanks everyone.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Rest and Believe

I like to write uplifting posts here at Swan of Dreamers because that's who I am
in my life. With sunshine, there comes rain. Today, I'm feeling heavy. Feeling defeated. Life can be like that. I wasn't going to post today, I felt drawn to do so.

If anyone reading this, you are having a bad day or week or even it's been that kind of year for you, know you can get through it. It's okay to let go. Give up in this moment. To crawl in bed, zone out, take a long bath, runaway to an exotic location. Whatever you need to do. Do it.

Know the wheel will turn my friend. You'll be back walking in the sunshine. Feeling Lady Luck is with you.

For today, just rest. Rest. Let Go. Tomorrow is another day. Heroes do get beat down, disappointed, betrayed, lied to. What makes a true Hero is that you rest when you can, then you pick yourself up and start again.

If anyone hasn't said this to you, I will. I believe in you. I believe that you were meant for great things. That you were born for a reason. As long as you are alive, you still have destiny to fulfill .Never forget that.

See you on Friday.


Friday, October 18, 2013

The Full Moon and The Good Witch

Happy Friday my friends. This is going to be an extra long post.
Sit back and enjoy. Have a nice drink or tea, depending on your

It's going to be an extra special Friday tonight because it's
a Full Moon. This is the Full Moon in Aries. So all my
sun and moon sign Aries, my moon sign is in Aries, this
is our extra special moon.

If you don't know what your moon sign is, you can google
moon signs. I know some free sites will come up that
you can find that out.

My understanding of the moon sign it's like your shadow side.
The part of you that you may keep hidden or that gives you
depth as a person.

Aries energy is full of fire, power, passion and movement.
Red, orange and even a deep yellow candle is great to burn
tonight and tomorrow. Or if you are feeling mellow, you can connect with the
lovely Friday energy with a pink candle. Friday is all about love,
romance and happiness.

It's also Magical Movie Friday here at Swan of Dreamers. Last week,
I recommended Miracle in The Rain.Today's movie is The Good Witch series that is aired on the Hallmark channel.

I absolutely love this series. It stars Catherine Bell as the enchanting
Cassandra Nightingale. In the first movie she moves in to an ordinary
small town called Middleton.

She inherits the local "haunted" house that was owned by one of her ancestors
called the Grey Lady. She also opens a store called Bell, Book and Candle.
Her reputation as a witch delights and repels the town. She is befriended by the local sheriff Jake Russell played by Chris Potter and his family. Cassie also encounters prejudice which may drive her out of her new home.

What I love about the series is that Cassie is a warm and good hearted
person. She doles out great wisdom with her magic. It's a really good
family friend series.

There are six movies in the series. Here they are in order.

1) The Good Witch
2) The Good Witch's Garden
3) The Good Witch's Gift
4) The Good Witch's Family
5) The Good Witch's Charm
6) The Good Witch's Destiny (which comes out on Oct 26th)

I also heard they are going to start filming a seventh film
soon!! Woo hoo.

Here is a trailer for the first movie. Enjoy my friends.

PS. If you are a new subscriber, please say hello in the comments


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dream Thought #54: Magic

“Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers,
the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live.”
― Nora Roberts


Monday, October 14, 2013

Beauty for Monday

Happy Monday, my friends. I hope you had a good weekend.
One of my favorite places online is pinterest. Yes, I'm pinning.
I find it packed with good info along with the pictures. If
you want to follow me on Pinterest, please

Then I came across this picture of First Nation actor Jay Tavare.
All I could say is wow. I figure the best way to
start the week off is with a bit of beauty inspiration.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Miracle in The Rain

Happy Friday, my friends. Friday is the perfect day
to kick off my Magical Movies for October. For three
Fridays in a row, I'll be sharing movies that have a
magical feel to them.

This Friday's movies is a lovely romantic gem that I found
via Warner Instant Archive. You pay 9.99 a month
and get to watch unlimited movies. It is filled with
a slew of classic movies that I love.

Miracle in The Rain (1956) stars Jane Wyman and
Van Johnson. Jane is Ruth Wood, a lonely office worker
and dutiful daughter who lives a quiet life. On a rainy
afternoon she meets Van, a lively soldier named
Art Hugenon, who charms his way into Ruth's life.

Before you know it, Ruth and Art are falling in love.
This is wartime. His leave time is up and he is
being sent abroad. The two promise to keep in touch
and marry when he returns.

Now, what happens next. Well, I can't tell you that.
You just have to watch the rest of the movie.
Jane Wyman and Van Johnson are pure magic on
screen together. It's one of those films that you
watch once and stays with you afterward.

Of course, I found a clip for all of you that
shows Jane and Van's first meeting.

Miracle in The Rain goes on my personal remake list.
A lovely film that reinforces the power of love against
all odds.



Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jake and Showtime

Hi my fellow dreamers. Thank you for all the well
wishes for Jacob's birthday. He turned 2 last Thursday.
Yes, i can't believe too my little man is 2!!
We had an awesome time at the Zoo which he loved.

Here is a gif that my husband, Sean, made of Jacob in
September at our local kmart.

I'm also gearing up for the show I'm directing which is going
up at the United Solo Festival on Nov 13th in NYC.

We, as in the actor/writer Gabe and me, are in fundraising mode
for the show. If anyone is in the creative field reading this, you know
money is something that helps creative projects to fly.

Here is the link the to our kickstarter campaign. It talks
about the show and the history behind it. If you scroll down further,
you will see a not so cute picture of me. Know that was a bad
hair and stressful director day for me.

If you can donate and/or spread the word to others about our fundraiser.
I appreciate it. Putting on a show is a lot of work behind the scenes
even before the actor steps on stage.

On Friday, I'll be back with a magical movie that I recently saw to share
with all of you.

See you then.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Happy October

Woo hoo, it's October.
I always get excited around this time of year. When I was a kid it
meant the next four months would have specials days for me.
October is Halloween, November is Thanksgiving, December is Christmas
and January is My Birthday.

Now, October is truly my extra favorite month because it's my Pumpkin
Prince's birth month. My little man is going to be 2 this week. 2!
How time flies.

Are you excited about October too? I hope so. I'm going to bring
back my magical movies this month in honor of Halloween. Movies
that have a kiss of magic in them.

Wishing you all a beautiful day. See you back here in a day or two.


The last few days of Autumn

     Things I've enjoyed in the waning weeks of late Summer 🍁 The Terror on Netflix. It recently dropped in late August on netflix. It ...