Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday and Chi McBride Love

My favorite day of the week: Thursday is
finding me feeling edgy. I've been working
hard all week and I feel like it's catching
up with me. Being edgy doesn't allow me
to flow properly.

Today I've been watching a slew of shows
I recored: Moment of Luxury, Secret Diary
of a Call Girl. Later on, some Criminal

I am in the mood for some Chi McBride
love. Here's a funny scene from Pushing
Daisies with the funny Chi and Kristin
Chenoweth. Their characters Emerson and Olive
were wonderful together. I always wished
they had more episodes with them
as the leads. I love my Pushing Daisies.
On the list for must have DVD sets.




Tristan Robin said...

I loved Pushing Daisies!

Are you watching Chi on the new Human Target show?

tea time and roses said...

Hello Dear Shell!

I think we all have those edgy days from time to time.:o) Kick back and relax and simply enjoy.

Take care my friend. Chat with you soon.



Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

I was feeling kind of edgy too, today. I've been working out regularly lately and today, my body is rebelling. I'm very tired and sleepy, but nevertheless, I came home from work after riding 3 buses, I changed into my exercise get-up, prepped and put my chicken in the oven and did my workout. Yay me! I think it's okay to feel edgy sometimes for whatever the reason.

I've never seen Pushing Daisies, but that particular scene was hilarious. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful evening, wonderful lady, Shell!

koralee said...

I love thursdays because I know I have only one more work day before the weekend. Hope your weekend is filled with many blessings. A million thanks for visiting me! xoxo

christina said...

i used to love that show "pushing daisies."

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

I have to see this now! Thanks for sharing this .

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