Monday, August 17, 2015

Mae West Monday

Happy Birthday to one of the brassiest, sassiest Lady to ever come from Brooklyn: Mae West.

Mae isn't everybody's cup of tea. I'm sure even Mae would say that. What can't be denied is that she radiated on screen.

She wrote most of the movies she starred in. The ones she didn't write, she wrote her own lines. Mae also wrote plays as well. Her first starring movie She done him wrong is based on her own play: Diamond Lil.

She can also add helping to make Cary Grant a star. She cast him in two of her films as her leading man: She Done him Wrong and I'm no Angel. The latter film one of my favorites of Mae.

The most important thing for me is that Mae did her way. She was authentically herself. For that alone, I admire her.

Happy Birthday, Mae. You are still a Star!


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