Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Faerie story

I am delighted to be part of Vanessa's Halloween Party. For all of you I have
a faerie story to share.

It was the night after Autumn came, my story begins. I sat watching a beautiful
sunset from my window. I heard the calling of a bird. Into my sight flying by my window back and forth: A Raven. Then every night when I was home at sunset. The Raven came. I don't know why but The Raven felt like a He. Some nights he circle my window and other times he would sit on my window sill looking at me. His eyes almost human.


The night of the Full Moon. He came late. I realized I had been looking for
My Raven. For that is what I called him now. When he appeared, I was so happy. How can I be happy to see a bird? I was. I began to talk to my Raven and share with him my feelings and thoughts.


Days later, I woke up with the idea I needed to go to the park. It is All Hallow's eve. I followed my intuition. I dressed carefully and flew out the door to my beloved Pelham Bay Park. There I mourned the my trees which had been friends through the seasons. They had been cut down by storms of wind and snow.

remembering my trees

Then I sat on the stump of one of my favorite trees. I felt a strange feeling come over me. Come on, Shell snap out of it, I admonished. I still had a vivid imagination and sometimes I could drop into a reverie very quickly.


I couldn't ignore the stirring to go deeper into the Park. I got up to say one last goodbye to my trees. I went to smell the flowers which had sprung up where the trees had been cut. Reminding me about the circle of life.

smelling flowers

I walked deeper in the park. As I did, I felt the sensation that I'm not alone. There are a few people scattered about yet I knew that isn't what I felt. I heard a familiar sound. My heart beat faster. It sounded like My Raven. Raven I called out. Then I looked and saw a most wondrous sight.

oh my

The golden and red leaves began to swirl higher and higher. On the top flew My Raven. He went into the leaves. I held my breath. A blur of colors spinned and spinned. Then, a man came walking out of it dressed in gray with the eyes the color of My Raven.


Hello Shell.

Raven I sighed in amazement.
Come, the party is about to begin. I want you to come with me.
But how is this possible?

He walked closer to me.
On this one night, I can be human. I rarely do, I wanted to for you, Shell. Now, let us dance, sing and live.

Raven holds my hand

He took my hand and we ran deeper into the park. The sun had set and the night had fallen upon us. I could hear this song playing as we ran into the crowd of people. The park is thick with people of all colors and shapes dancing. I am sure some of them were not quite Human. Like My Raven. I didn't care. I am with Raven and nothing else matters. We danced, sang, feasted. Raven and I lived.

Suddenly, Raven took my hand again. I noticed the soft blue of the early morning.
My Time is ending, Shell. The sun comes and I must go back to being in my true form.
I don't want you to go
Raven touched my face tenderly and softly kissed me. He put his arm around me and the world spun around us. I stood back in my apartment. Raven dressed a bit differently stood looking at me.


I must go now.
Will I never see you again?
I came because you needed me. Now, you don't anymore.
That's not true.
I wanted to show you that life can be still beautiful even in the face of grief. Now, you have learned that lesson.

I reached for his hand.
Promise me you'll come back.
If you have need of me, at the next Autumn equinox I will return. Remember, there are those who love you right here and now. Don't forget that. Goodbye, my sweet Shell.

He shifted back to his Raven form and flew out the window. I sat in my chair and looked at the sky as he disappeared into the blue. That is my faerie story. So if you happen to see a Raven, say hello. For it might be My Raven. What a beautiful and magical Raven he is.



Such a Wondrous Place this Faery Space said...

Soooo great to be here! Ravens eyes!!!!! Joy to know you! Blessings.

laterg8r said...

incredible ravens here :D

great party :D

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Wow, what a tale, indeed! How nice for you and your raven and for him to make such a special metamorphosis just for you!

Special indeed!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Suzie Ridler said...

Shell, you are such a fabulous storyteller, this was so moving. May we all be visited by ravens from the other side with messages of love from our departed friends and families this Halloween. Hugs.

Maggi said...


Wowowowow, what a story! the pictures are fabulous too! Thank you for a hauntingly good party!

I'm visiting from Beyond to celebrate the spookiest Halloween blog party ever! I hope you are having a fang-tastic time today! You are cordially invited to share in the celebration at my party HERE. I do hope you'll stop by!

Have a spook-tacular day!

julietk said...

Doing the party round, Great post (swooning) Happy Halloween :-)

Clarity said...

Dear Shell,

Nature and misty dreams, smile.

You are so pretty too, I know you told me your age but I think you look at least 10 years younger, just saying.

By the way, I like your new background, did you make it yourself? xx

Sarah said...

I loved your story Shell! So glad the Raven visited you.

Laurel said...

Awe!! I love your sense of magic
Missy. You are so so pretty!!! I love the tale and I think it could happen to a girl like you!
Have a lovely day my beautiful friend!

Deborah said...

HA! Yummy raven! I think the bird ended up in one of my pumpkins. Do stop by and party with Alice and Dead Bob, if you dare! **kisskiss** Deborah

Donna, The Decorated House said...

that's some Rave you found!
Thanks for being a part of the blog party. Hope you stop by to visit mine as well.

Pellie / Penny said...

What a wonderful fairy tale, and such a wonderful Raven, thank you so much for sharing this with me.
Got to Fly. Hope you have a magical Halloween.

jmichelle Betaudier said...

Honneeey Chile', When YOU dream you sure do dream in Color dont cha! oooh wee nice! one cant help but smile. Thanks for the eye candy. and also thanks for the visit. Please do stop by soon and often. Happy Halloween!, Peace, jMB

Melissa said...

What a beautiful and magical Raven indeed. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog.

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Great tale. Thanks for inviting me to your party. Have a happy Halloween! Twyla

Elisa Day said...

What a wondeful story. I have to read it again

Chrisy said...

oooh I'm feeling quite flushed here! I want one too...the raven boy I mean! Thanks for your hospitality...swing your broom over to my place for some more treats if you haven't already flown by!

Unknown said...

Hi, Great Halloween post! Wonderful pics & story! Happy Halloween to you!

Anonymous said...

what a tale, who wouldn't fall for raven!!! my broom stick is still winging its way thru blogland. glad you invited us in. had a fun time! have a Happy Haunting HALLOWEEN!

Celestial Charms said...

I just love ravens. I'm glad I came to visit. The changing colors on the trees in the background are so pretty. Happy Halloween.

Ana Balbinot said...

WOW! Love that party! Thanks for invite!
Happy Halloween

Sarah Sullivan said...

Shell that was just beautiful!! I loved every word and the pictures were stunning - how beautiful you are!! Thank you for popping by my game!! Have a happy Halloween!!

mademoisellechitchat said...

The pics are beautiful, Shell!!!

Pixie said...

Oh, Shell, Raven is SUCH a hottie! Thanks for telling me your story while we visited.

Bloomin'Chick Jo said...

Thanks so much for dropping by my humble haunted abode! So good to meet you! This is a wonderful post! Happy Halloween & Fete!

Karin van Dam said...

What a lovely story. Thanks for sharing! Happy halloween.

SewPaperPaint said...

What a yummy post! You are a naughty, naughty witch indeed!
~ Autumn Clark

Julie Ranae said...

FINALLY fell asleep at someone's party last back to make rounds again today...

Thank you for the glad you left the decorations up for me!

Please stop by and see my creative offerings for the party...they're still up, too!

Abi said...

Stunning! happy halloween to you :O) said...

Be still my heart! Oh me oh my, what a tale, and so touching at the end - swooooooon.

Oh beautiful Shell, I do adore you and your lovely spirit!


Anonymous said...

What a GORGEOUS raven!!!
and delightful tale!

Happy haunting!


mermaiden said...

ah, the mystical magical raven...thank you for sharing your story!
so glad you stopped by my party earlier :D

Betty said...

Ohhhh I love your story and that Raven can visit me anytime!!

Chickenbells said...

Oh my...this NEVER happens to me! But at least I got to live it here...thank you so much for such a magical party...Happy Halloween!!

Kelly said...

Well told! I loved your story. I hope you find him again!

Happy Halloween, Kelly

Deborah said...

Beautiful story Shell. Them pictures sure gave me a tingle :)

Sueann said...

Beautiful story! And your raven is definitely "eye-candy"!! Wonderful! Great party tale. Thanks for having me
Stop by mine

Yarni Gras! said...

good looking Raven!!!! Love the story.....I hate to see cut down trees too.....I always think of "The Giving Tree" when I see one.

Kathryn Costa said...

What a beautiful tale of the Raven hottie. The Raven's message is true -- you are loved by so many -- even many people who you have never met in person. {wink}

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

BRAVO!!!!! I see you behind a camera doing your own thing and this proves it. Excellent!

Laurie said...

Well, I certainly hope I come across your raven ~ whoa!!
Our ravens don't look like that:(
Loved your faerie story!!

tea time and roses said...

Hello Dear Shell!

Girl this is one lovely piece of work!!:o) You are an amazing talented and beautiful woman.:o)



Anonymous said...

Oh I want a raven that can do THAT!!! Wonderful story and pics;)

Stella Dora von Swineburg said...

What a romantic story and photos!
Come on over to our party and giveaway at

Alexandra MacVean said...

Hope you had a good Monday! :)

Stop by when you can. The Queen made two special announcements at the Manor!

Anonymous said...

I will never look at a Raven the same again.

Tracy said...

...*sigh*...pure magic, Shell... I was breathless with anticipation along with you. We must all be in tune and awake to greet our Raven-messengers. What a fun party... Thanks, Shell. Happy Days ((HUGS))

Genie Sea said...

Lovely story, Shell! And hello! HOT raven :)

Rhonda Roo said...

Whew! A romantic halloween, and oo lala. What a raven. Oh me oh my. Is it hot in here to anyone else?

Happy Halloween, Ms. Lovely!

Donna, The Decorated House said...

Hello Shell~

YOU are the winner of my Beau Bunny art print!

Please send me your address to ship him to.

Donna, The Decorated House

Sarah said...

I have come back for another look at your grogeous raven-and to say thanks for your birthday wishes!

Jorgelina said...

What a wonderful fairy tale.
I loved your story .
Happy Halloween!Booooooooooooo

lisanelsonart said...

Wonderful party and such a handsome raven! Thank you so much for being such a gracious host - your photos were enchanting. Happy Haunting! Hugs, Lisa

Maithri said...

You look Beautiful in these photos my friend...

Such A captivating tale... You really drew us in...

Much love,


christina said...

Hi beautiful! a glorious story, and such a handsome Raven.

Laume said...

Okay, I've always liked ravens myself but, uhm, wow. Your Raven is... stops and fans myself.... HOT. Hehehe.
I like your story. It reminds me of some urban fantasy stories - what with the park in the city and all. Have you ever read War for the Oaks by Emma Bull? Or Holly Black's YA trilogy that takes place in New York? The first one is Tithe.
Okay, off I scoot - more party corners yet to discover!

Javajune said...

Oh my gosh shell that was incredible! I love the pics of you especially the one where you are surprised to see the Raven and the Raven is a hottie if you don't mind me saying. Bravo-I loved it!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

What a wonderful story Shell and oh by the way... Raven is hot!
bunny hugs,

Kate said...

Fun story! I'm behind on my visits, but it's not yet Halloween so I'm not too late! Happy Hauntings and thank you for visiting my party, too!

Wordless Wednesday: From my Valentine