Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Thursday

Happy Thursday. It is a perfectly gray day here in The Bronx. So I am quite happy. I just got in from morning errands; and, have to go out later this afternoon to teach a private acting lesson tonight.

I know I have been doing the magical movies on Friday. Tomorrow's installment is going to be postponed to next week because I have to prepare for the Halloween blog party on the 17th. Also my beloved Montgomery Clift's birthday is on the 17th along with one of my good friends, Lady R. I'll be doing a post for him on Monday or Tuesday.

I know we finally got the rain everyone else has had. If you have been staying indoors, rainy days are a great time to play on your dreams. At least a little bit.

There is still time to join in on the party. So click here for all the details.

I will see you all back here on Saturday.

P.S. Does any else watch Criminal Minds? It's one of my favorites.



Clarity said...

Happy Thursday Shell, I mentioned you on my blog just now.

I hope your lesson goes well, I think you would make a great teacher in whatever subject you choose.

That cartoon is cute, we have had a few staggered rain/sun days as if the season is toying or making its mind up. Monty, monty, looking forward to post. X.

Laurel said...

I am so excited that I have some other people who share my passion for Monty! Who Knew!
I am looking forward to the Birthday posts!!
Love to you Sweet Shell.

Rose - Watching Waves said...

Happy Thursday! I remember one summer as a child when I watched a week-long Montgomery Clift marathon. :-D We're blue skies and sunny here today.

GlorV1 said...

Happy Thursday to you too Shell and over here it's blue skies right now as compared to a couple of days ago when it was pouring, pouring and pouring.

Caroline said... Criminal Minds...watched it last night! Have a wonderful few few days...hopefully the rain will let up. :)

Kathryn Costa said...

Oh how I wish I had today off to work on my Halloween post for the party. I think I will have a late night so I'm not late for the party! Has the rain mixed with snow started? It has here - waaah!

Have a super fun creative weekend. I'll see you at the party!

{soul hugs}

christina said...

Happy Thursday, friend. It's gray here too. I love that.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging