Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jake and Showtime

Hi my fellow dreamers. Thank you for all the well
wishes for Jacob's birthday. He turned 2 last Thursday.
Yes, i can't believe too my little man is 2!!
We had an awesome time at the Zoo which he loved.

Here is a gif that my husband, Sean, made of Jacob in
September at our local kmart.

I'm also gearing up for the show I'm directing which is going
up at the United Solo Festival on Nov 13th in NYC.

We, as in the actor/writer Gabe and me, are in fundraising mode
for the show. If anyone is in the creative field reading this, you know
money is something that helps creative projects to fly.

Here is the link the to our kickstarter campaign. It talks
about the show and the history behind it. If you scroll down further,
you will see a not so cute picture of me. Know that was a bad
hair and stressful director day for me.

If you can donate and/or spread the word to others about our fundraiser.
I appreciate it. Putting on a show is a lot of work behind the scenes
even before the actor steps on stage.

On Friday, I'll be back with a magical movie that I recently saw to share
with all of you.

See you then.


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