Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Birthday

Not that long ago in a galaxy right here,
during a great winter snowstorm a
girl was born....

She grew up believing she could do
anything she put her mind to.
Because her mom taught her that; also, The Force is strong with her..

When she reached adulthood,
she began to see how the world
could chip away at your beliefs
and dreams. She made a vow
to always stay true to herself
no matter what.

In sunny weather and rainstorms,
she stayed true. The cost as times
were high. In the end, it was worth it.

So today, I celebrate my birthday. I celebrate
the little girl I was and the woman I am now.
I am grateful for the adventures I've had.
I welcome all the adventures to come.

Of course, The Force is still strong with me...

I'm taking time away to celebrate my birthday,
I'll be back by Thursday.



Kiki said...

Happy birthday Shell! May the Force always be with you, darlin'!

Anonymous said...

....Happy Birthday!!....

remember this.....

"To Thine ownself be true!!"


GlorV1 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELL!! Enjoy your day. See you when you get back. ::hugs::

Anonymous said...


Happy birthday.

You're adorable! I hope you have a great day.


Paula said...

Happy birthday from someone who shares the date! I knew there was a reason I liked you!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Shell!
Sarah x

Operaton You said...

Happy Sweet, Sweet Birthday!!! And today, she continues to grow with ease, love and support! I know it! I believe it!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Enjoy your time away! rest and renew... happy b'day and many more.

Yasmine said...

Happy birthday Princess!

SE'LAH... said...


Hope you are enjoying it to the fullest.

one love.


Laurel said...

Happy Birthday Darling SHell! First chance I have had to hop online today. Been thinking about you though and hope it was a wonderful day. You are a blessing in my life and I am certain many others . We are lucky!
Enjoy your time away- I will miss you but am so happy you are taking time to celebrate.
love to you Friend.

Anonymous said...

Dear Shell,
I wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday and that all your wishes come true!!
Love ya!

Pamela said...

Happy Birthday!
May all your birthday dreams come true! Create a magical year for yourself, sweet Shel!

♥ Cara Mia ♥ said...

HAPPY B-DAY! May you get the desires of your heart! ♥

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

How Lovely, my dear. Happy belated birthday, sweetie. Hope you have a wonderful celebration.

Cheryl said...

Happy Belated Birthday and many many more. I hope it was a Beautiful one!
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch Joy~!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh happiest of birthday's to you sweetness! Yes indeed you are a beautiful woman inside and out and staying true to your core has made you so. Wishing you a wonderful and happy adventure on your next trip around the sun!
your friend,

christina said...

Happy Birthday, my dear, dear friend!

Caroline said...

Ohhh Happy birthday sweet Shell...enjoy this year. May you be blessed :) xoxo

Tracy said...

Cutie then, cutie still! ;o) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, belated, Shell!! Hope you had the sweetest day full of your favorite things. May this be a beautiful year for you. ((HUGS))

Suzie Ridler said...

I celebrate with you Shell! What a beautiful post that shows just how amazing you are, my fellow Aquarian.

Belinda Munoz said...

Oh, I'm late to the party but I so want to wish you a happy birthday!

Some of my favorite people are Aquarius -- they love people and people love them. I suspect this is true for you as well :-)

Lovely post!

illahee said...

happy birthday!! i love the pictures, you are so beautiful!

Elizabeth said...

Happy birthday!!!! Hope you had a lovely time.

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

To my beautiful sister and friend , Happy, Happy HAPPY Birthday to you! I hope that this year will be filled with much creativeness and expression for you. I hope that you fly like the eagle and run to your destiny as never before. You are awesomely creative and prolific poet and actress. So a man thinketh so is he! Keep thinking wonderful thought Shell. I don't care what it appears to be right. I can see you in the future and you look much better than you do right now!!! A star you are baby girl. You really are. Keep doing your thang cause folks are watching you. Trust me. I know what I am talking about. They are watching you! When you get a chance come on over there is a gift there just for you.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!!! your post is wonderful and I am glad we met....I come from Vanessa's blog!!!

Have some yummy cake for all of us!!!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hey Shell You are so very welcome. You deserve that and a whole lot more! Send me your address at my email address or right click and print it out.

Javajune said...

Oh happy, happy belated birthday girl. You are so beautiful and full of life.
love, jj

Judy Hartman said...

A belated Happy Birthday, Shell! Wishing you a wonderful year!!
Hugs to you,

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, happy, happy birthday to you!! Happy almost-Friday.

koralee said...

Thank you for visiting me..I love your sweet blog! Happy belated Birthday..your school images are so so cute. xo

Don said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Sweet lady. Hope it was all your heart desired. Age?

she began to see how the world
could chip away at your beliefs
and dreams. She made a vow
to always stay true to herself
no matter what.

Chip away....Isn't this the truth? I wish there could be a class taught in elementary emphasizing the importance of discipline - it would make a world of a difference.

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