Saturday, February 5, 2011


I draw my Goddess cards daily.

Abundantia came out. Did I need to see her and feel
a kiss of optimism. Abundantia is The Goddess
of Prosperity in all forms. The term Lady
Luck comes from her

In her hands, she has the Horn of plenty.
If you are feeling stressed about money or any
form of prosperity. Just think about and
imagine what you want for your Horn of Plenty.
Do this for at least 3-5 minutes, you feel
more relaxed and in flow in no time.

Uploading again the style according to your
sign that I posted on Monday, that didn't come
out for some reason. Hope you can see it now.
(Click on the image to make it bigger.)

Have a Great and Prosperous weekend everyone.



Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

I am loving this new avatar of yours! It's beautiful. I love it! MORE PLEASE he he he he?

A Whimsical Girl Named Debbie said...

Hi sweetie! Hope you're enjoying your weekend! Love your new blog header - you look so peaceful & full of joy! Muah!

Laurel said...

Hi sweetie- thank you for your words and ways for me to protect myself. I will apply all :)
Love and gratitude for you,

Tracy said...

LOVE that new pic of you in the side too--you looks so lovely in yellow, Shell! Thank you for putting back up the fashion feature. I'm water--a true romantic! But then, maybe the doesn't surprise. ;o) Happy Week ((HUGS))

koralee said...

Thank you for visiting me the other day....happy new week to you. xoxo

17th Blogversary

My sweet little blog is 17 years old today!! My mind is totally blown with this. I want to thank all of my subscribers past and present. I a...