Monday, August 10, 2015

Jake and Jet

Happy Monday, my friends. Hope you had a great weekend. I realize I haven't shared any new pictures of Jacob and our cat, Jet. This past June, Jake had his first moving up ceremony for preschool. He's now starting his second year of Preschool in September. He started school at 3 years old. In NYC, there is a big push for all kids to go to preschool here. Not sure how it is in other states.

This is from Easter weekend at the Carousel in Bryant Park. If you ever in NYC with little ones, go to this French themed carousel in Bryant Park on 42nd Street. It's really nice inexpensive treat for all.

This is two months later at the 150th anniversary of the New York City Firefighters. I Select Firehouses were open to the public. The one near us had an open house. Jake loves Firetrucks, hence we went. I know I shared pictures before on Mother's Day. Here are some more. Here he is as Spiderman Firefighter Jacob.

Here is Jet taking a nap on my messy little dresser. She is quite comfortable as you can see.



Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

So sweet!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! I learned to grab something that I see and like at Dollar Tree because things have a tendency to fly right out of there...


Anonymous said...

Shell, Jake looks so big and beautiful.

And, of course, Miss Jet Beauty is as GORGEOUS as ever!

As someone who has three Feline Daughters, they sleep wherever they want to sleep. And none of them care if there is a mess or not.

Speaking of a mess, when I looked at what was behind Jet, I saw no mess. Now, my round table, alas, there is a mess!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging