Saturday, December 6, 2014

December Full Moon

Our final Autumn Full Moon shines in lively Gemini.  All my sun and moon sign Geminis this is your moon.

Gemini energy to me is full of ideas, dazzling energy and a touch of zaniess. Since we are winding down on 2014, take time to write down all the great things you accomplished this year. Life can move so swiftly we can forget all the brave and wondrous things we have accomplished this year.

You can also utilize the creative energy to write down your ideas and dreams for 2015. It can be as small and big as you want.

Here is a picture of my notebook that I use for all my creative ideas and dreams for my life. It's a regular composition notebook that I covered with pictures then covered with invisible tape. Every time I look at it, I'm inspired to write in it.

Keeping your ideas handwritten ensures when your computer/tablet crashes, you will still have your work.

Since the energy of the Full Moon stays around for another day, start your own creative notebook. Even if you only cut, assemble or draw art for the cover of your creative book, that's a great start.

As always, do whatever you feel guided to do under a Full Moon.

Have a wonderful Full Moon and weekend.


1 comment:

Jennifer Michelle said...

It is so strange to think we are still in Autumn, this feels like full blown winter! The December moon is one of my favourites! It just feels more magical and festive.

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