Friday, April 18, 2014

Phryne Fisher Friday

Happy Friday, my fellow dreamers. It's Friday, woo hoo. A perfect day to talk with you all about one of my favorite new shows.

It is the Phryne Fisher Mysteries on Netflix. It's a wonderful mystery series from Australia based on the books of the same name by Kerry Greenwood. Phryne (pronounced Fry-knee, to rhyme with briny) is rich, smart, elegant and witty. Even when she is covered with blood, she still manages to look stylish. The self described Lady Detective is a treat to watch. I haven't read the books, if the series is close to the books then they must be wonderful.

Essie Davis as Phryne is marvelous. I'm currently toward the end of season 1. Hoping Netflix will pick up season 2! She also has a close relationship with married Detective Inspector Jack Robinson played by the awesomely cute Nathan Page. They hint that he is not quite happy at home. This is set in the 1920's, I have no idea whether the two will get together. It's still fun to watch them glow on screen together.

Phryne is aided by the pretty and sweet Dot; along with Constable Collins who works under DI Robinson. There is now a sweet romance brewing between Dot and Constable Collins, as well.

Oh and the clothes!!

I'm loving this whole outfit.

This has to be one of my favorite's of Phryne.

Now, have I enticed you my friends. I do hope you give The Phryne Fisher Mysteries a go. You will adore the show like I have. Have a wonderful Friday.



Jennifer Michelle said...

I too am addicted to this show! I just finished season 2. It is such a visually stunning, creative, saucy, and boundary pushing program. Just love it!

Anonymous said...

Shell, you have successfully enticed me. I look forward to making time for the Mysterious Adventures of Phryne Fisher.

And as for your favorite outfit of hers, I cannot over-recommend you place it on your "New Moon Wish List!"

Thank you for a delightful post.

Anonymous said...

Shell, thank you, once again, for turning me on to "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries."

I just finished watching the last episode, or, rather, Series 3, Episode 8, and it was wonderful.

Frankly, I find the entire television programme wonderful.

And now, I can begin looking for the novels, written by Kerry Greenwood, on which this television programme is based, but shall do so, via my local libraries. Save a little money, and explore some other areas in, well, my area.

I have no doubt that, at some point, I shall have a "re-watch" session for myself.

In the meantime, I have also been checking out information on the show, and you may be interested in checking this out:

Needless to say, I cannot wait!!

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