Friday, January 24, 2014

My Special Day

Many years ago today...on an cold wintry day.. the stars aligned, the cosmos sang and a baby was born. To be fair the stars aligns and the cosmos sing night and day when every baby is born. I do like to imagine the day may have been a bit brighter for me. Yes, that baby who was born is me!!

Come on, you have to toot your horn especially on your birthday! Toot.Toot.

Though it's still cold here, I'm going to go out and have a fun day. If you are an Aquarius too, I'm wishing you a Happy Birthday!! This is what I love for all of you who are reading this. In honor of my birthday, do one action that makes you heart smile today. That would make me the happiest. Have merry happy energy flowing everywhere today.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Here's a throwback picture of me when I was 5 and half.



Suzie Ridler said...

Happy Birthday my fantastic fellow Aquarian! :) And I am so glad you won the cookie pendant on my giveaway and won it ON your birthday. How cool is that?! Happy Birthday Shell!

Jennifer Michelle said...

Happy Birthday lovely Shell! What a cute little girl you were ;) And a beautiful lady!

Sean Graham said...

Happy Birthday! Love you so much!

Dena Miller said...

Happy Birthday Lovely Lady♥
May it be all that you intend it to be.

Tracy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY... belated, Shell! (Better late to the party than never! ;o) How CUTE is your 5.5 yr self! And how cute are you still! Hope you have a wonderful day! And my all your birthday year dreams come true! ((HUGS))

17th Blogversary

My sweet little blog is 17 years old today!! My mind is totally blown with this. I want to thank all of my subscribers past and present. I a...