Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dream Thought #50: Light of your soul

Like everyone else, the bombings in Boston has been on my mind.
It hurts my heart when innocent people die or get wounded by the
violent actions of others.

When I read this in my Goddess for Every Day book by Julie Loar,
It summed up how I feel.

"May the light of your soul sustain you in your darkest hour
and beyond" - Babylonian Goddess Esharra.



Kalei's Best Friend said...

Of all the posts I have seen on the Boston bombing, your quote sums it up better!

Victoria said...

Hi Shell..hugs, thanks for sharing such a touchign post, yes it is so deeply sad to know others are hurt by senseless violence. May love and peace and healing reach all those in need..

Happy Birthday David

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