Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Full Moon Beauty

As I exited the movie theater tonight after watching Lincoln
(a great movie, it will be surely be rewarded
at Oscar time), there luminous and beautiful
sat The Moon.She walked with me as I made my way home under
the early night sky. The cold air tickling
my nose. So many full moon nights, the clouds
come, tonight I got to see her in full glory.

This next to the last Full Moon before
the year ends. Glows in the energy of

All my sun and moon Geminis, this is your special
moon. For the rest of us, The Full Moon awaits
for us to sit, be still and look within. Gemini
is the twins. Look at your sun and shadow side.
Reflect on which one needs more attention these days.
Gemini is an air sign. All about communication and
ideas. Ponder what truths you need to speak not only
to people, perhaps yourself? Or maybe you need
to let your voice be heard loudly?

Remember,the energy of the Full Moon lasts till tomorrow
night. So you have another night to bask in the
energy. I'm wishing you all a lovely Full Moon.



Dena Miller said...

Beautiful Post Shell!!!1

Tracy said...

It is always a joy to share in moon celebrations with you, Shell! I'm late to this one though. We are just returned from some impromptu travels and Thanksgiving break in the US. I'm in a place of trying to find a harmony in all there is to do at the moment and still find time to enjoy the things I love to do--like painting, etc. This time of year is such a challenge in that respect... I know I'm not alone in that. ;o) Happy Days (HUGS))

Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...