Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 24th

Yipee. It's My Birthday

I may run out of ways to have fun on
my birthday or places to do so. I'll
never stop celebrating my birthday.
I hope you always celebrate your
birthday too.

Our Birthdays mark our grand entrance in the world.
It always should be honored. For
every birth is a new dream born for a parent.
Now, that I have my own little one,
I understand that so much more.

The changes from this year to last
year are so deep and profound. All
I can say is I'm ready for my 43rd
year to begin. Ready to make it
great and beautiful.

Look at me many moons ago at
almost 3 years old.

To all my fellow Aquarians out there,
I'm sending you Birthday wishes, too.
Even if today isn't your birthday, make
it a great day for yourself.



GlorV1 said...

Happy Birthday Shell. It must be a great birthday for you this time around since the little one is here with you. Have a great day and enjoy. Take care and hope all is well.

Judy Hartman said...

Yippee it is Shell! Wishing you a wonderful birthday and a rich, joyful, warm and happy year ahead!
Happy Birthday!!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Happy Birthday beautiful Lady!!! Okay last year I did something for your birthday. This year I'm so backed up with projects that all I can say is, Blessings, health, joy and very much love on your birthday and throughout the year darling. Hugs

Magic Mentha said...

Hope you have a truly wonderful birthday and year! What amazing things you've done the past year. Goodness to you!

Tracy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Shell... a day late, but still... You were so cute then, still cute now! ;o) Wishing you a beautiful year in which even more of your hopes & dreams come true. Hope you take the whole week and celebrate... LOL! A cuddle to your sweet Jacob from me. I'm sorry to be slow visiting these days, I have so many creative projects taking shape just--almost too many irons in the fire, if that's possible! ((HUGS))

Suzie Ridler said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday my fellow Aquarian friend! And weren't you the cutest little girl in the world? Brightest blessings to you!

Conversations with the Muses said...

Happy Birthday Shell! Such a cute picture! The best birthday present of all is your little one I would imagine!
Sending you lots of birthday magic!

Sarah said...

Very late happy birthday Shell! Hope it was a good one! x

christina said...

happy belated birthday!!
i think of you often.
i hope it was a great one.

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