Monday, August 8, 2011


Happy Monday.

I just came back in from a walk.
Want to start back to walking three times
a week. I call it Jedi Mama training to keep
my mind and body clear. Though, I am always
running around doing errands. I have one
more big errand to do this week. Once that is done, I will
have a great load lifted off my shoulders.

Yesterday, was one of the first Free Sundays
I've truly had since February. I had no
obligations. Able to do what I want.
Sean and I went to Baby's r us to look
at strollers. So much fun!

Then I was able to watch one of my beloved
movies: The Pirate (1948) starring Judy Garland
and Gene Kelly directed by Vincente Minnelli

Oh, I love this movie. Judy wears red all through
out. My favorite red dress is the one
in this clip. If you love musicals, The Pirate
is a must see.

If you did anything fun this weekend, I love
to hear all about it.



Lady Prism Living said...



Oh,wow, I'm overjoyed,truly, truly, very happy for you! What wonderful news to read a few posts down that you are expecting! This is just radiant good news! ♥

Oh, how I have immensely missed visiting you here, but this will be remedied as I have reclaimed my long lost muse for writing. It feels so good to read your good vibes again. I've never forgotten this space of yours..always had it in mind..and now how happy I am with all the joy you have!

"A moment in your tummy,
a lifetime in your heart
You're now a mommy!"


Judy Hartman said...

Believe it or not, I was named after Judy Garland. My mother loved her! But I've never seen this movie - I'll have to look for it.
Your header photo of you in white is really beautiful, Shell.

Judy Hartman said...

Oh my gosh, Shell, I just read further and realized that you are pregnant!!!!
So happy for you!!!

Tracy said...

Oh, how for strollers! Did you go home with one?! Very exciting...*sigh*... You know, I've not seen this film. Have to add to my list. I love Judy Garland. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

jnguyễn said...

lol, strollers! haha

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