Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Moon in Gemini

Happy Wednesday. It's the New Moon in Gemini.

It has been an intense few days for me,with
a family member's unexpected death. What
her passing reinforces for me is how precious
life is. We must live each day fully! It's better
to make mistakes and live. Then to live "safe" and
never truly experience all life has to offer.

New Moons are always a time to start out fresh
and new. Gemini New Moon is full of energy
and change.

Now with the Summer season beginning, take time
out tonight or tomorrow. Dream and think
about what plans to accomplish for June. Even
for the whole summer, if you wish.

Gemini energy is full of ideas and plans.
Purchase a small notebook to carry with
you. Whenever you get an idea, write it down.
Never know what golden ticket of an idea
will come to you out of the blue.

Though you can't see the New Moon now, in
two days time, you should be seeing her
as a sliver in the sky.

Happy New Moon!!



Anonymous said...

Dear Shell,
I'm so sorry to hear of your family members' passing. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your loved ones.
I can feel a change with this new Moon. May was a real downer for me and I am looking forward to better days.
Happy New Moon to you too ~

Her Speak said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Shell. Sending good vibrations your way. Let June be Joyful. :)

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