Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dreamy Thursday: Libraries

Happy Dreamy Thursday, everyone.
Dreamy Thursday will be a bi-monthly
feature on the blog moving forward.
Makes it a lot easier for me and can
have really good juicy Dreamy Thursdays.

Today's Dreamy Thursday is all about one
of my favorite dreamy places ever: Libraries.

I love libraries!! I was an early reader
and my passion for books has been constant
all my life. All through school, the library was one
of my favorite places to be.

Librarians are the coolest people. They
let you know what new books or programs
are coming in; sometimes even recommend you for things.
In 4th grade, I was the Mistress of Ceremony for my
graduating class. It was a great honor and I loved it.
How did I get it? I was recommended by the School
Librarian to the Principal.

My favorite Library in all my years of schooling
was at my alma mater, Howard University.
Founders Library is a beautiful old building. With their
wide windows that let in light. Mahogany chairs, long tables
fireplaces scattered in certain rooms. Studying there was
a pleasure for me.

Libraries are like stepping into another world.
I love the smell of old books and how they
radiate with knowledge. Even with ipads and kindles,
I don't think Libraries will ever go away.
There will always be a need.

If you ever get the chance to come to NYC, you have
to go to what I call The Big Library on 42nd street.
This year this grand building is celebrating it's
Centennial. With the imposing Lions that guard
the library nicknamed Patience and Fortitude.
The Library is a beautiful old building.
It is elegant with beautiful pictures and centuries
of writings ride the air in the hallways. My favorite part
of the Library is the Rose Reading room. This picture from shows
only half of how beautiful it is in person.
The reading room hums with wisdom, writing and
magic. When I'm there, I feel I can write masterpieces
in all that loveliness

Of course, my local Library is one of my hangouts.
I'm there at least once a week. Picking up books and
movies or looking for new ones. I love to hear what your
favorite Libraries are. Share all in the comments.
If you haven't been to your local Library in a while,
go over and see what great things are going on there.

If you enjoy Dreamy Thursday here,
you can be a Guest Blogger at Swan of Dreamers
talking about what makes you feel Dreamy.
Email me at for
all the info. Wishing all of you
a very Dreamy Thursday.



Sarah said...

I love both the libraries you shared here Shell and would love to visit the one in New York. I used to go to my local library all the time but have not for ages-I think it is since thay changed the system and it is all self serve and not so easy as when there were librarians behind desks. I like borrowing big art, decor and gardening books that I could not afford and have not got room for. The best library I ever visited was in Scotland years ago with Andy's Dad. It was full of really old books and I looked at a 16th century one of beasts-fascinating-and I had to wear white gloves as it was so old and precious. I love the smell of old books too-or new ones come to that. Ah books!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Libraries are a sanctuary for me.. I could spend hours in one when I was a kid... You are right librarians are so cool. They do let u know when something new is coming in.. then again, they get first dibs on all the good stuff! lol Libraries are great because u can find a corner and read and just get lost there!.

Her Speak said...

*drool* I love libraries--any time I need the creative juice, I walk to the library down town and just wander around picking up this and that. I always come home with armloads of TREASURE! :)

Laurel said...

Hi!! Wow- I have missed you!! I have had lots of good lately ! I am coming to NYC in September :) So excited :)
I am going now to read some of your posts-been way to long .
Love and a huge hug

Cindy said...

Shell I am a bad one, I have to admit I have not been to a library in years, now the book stores I love to go to. Maybe I should rethink this though. have a great holiday weekend. hugs dear friend.

Victoria said...

Hi Shell..fabulous post!!I agree..beautiflly written..and very cool..and yes if i am ever in NYC i shall take that adventure..beautiful!

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