Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Beauty for Tuesday

The Bee is not afraid of me.
I know the Butterfly.
The pretty people in the Woods
Receive me cordially—

The Brooks laugh louder when I come—
The Breezes madder play;
Wherefore mine eye thy silver mists,
Wherefore, Oh Summer's Day?

-Emily Dickinson



Her Speak said...

Beautiful words for a hot summer day! Thanks for sharing, Shell. :)

Sarah said...

Beautiful poem and picture Shell. Where is that?

Marisa@Getting Back To Basics said...

I love the arbor covered with roses. Thanks for sharing the beautiful picture.

Tracy said...

Ah, Emily... and roses--perfect! Happy Summer Days, Shell :o) ((HUGS))

Cindy said...

Beautiful words, love the photo. have a fabulous weekend. hugs.

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