Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Friday The 13th

Happy Friday the 13th everyone. If your with
blogger, you know things have been wonky for
two days. The post I had on Wednesday is gone.
Will it come back or not? I'll see.

I love Friday the 13th. To me it's a special day.
It is full of hidden magic, luck and fun.
So don't listen to all the old stories about
it being a bad day.

Here's Three things to do on Friday the 13th:

1) Adopt a Black cat today. Black cats have the lowest
rate of adoption and highest rate of being put
to asleep. Why? Because of all the dumb superstitions
about Black cats.

2) Watch cool retro thrillers tonight. (No slasher
films, unless you are so into it.)
Here are a few recommendations:
Then There Were None (1945)
Stage Fright (1950)
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
The Uninvited (1944)

3) This comes from my friend R. He recommends
writing down 13 wishes today. I did
my 13 wishes and now the fun begins
to watch which ones come true.

I hope these Three tips will make Friday
the 13th more fun and friendly for you.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.



Federica F. said...

It' s late but... happy Friday The 13th too :)))

If you want visit and follow:

Dee said...

Happy Friday...great suggestions. I may have to skip on the cat thought :). I think I'll take a moment and write down 13 wishes...something productive and though provoking...thanks!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

As far as black cats,I do know that places like PetSmart that have rescue groups- they will take black cats out of their adoption areas because they found that some people will adopt black cats and use them as bad jokes on Halloween... Sad, isn't it?
BTW, glad to see that u are back. Missed u.

Tracy said...

Hi, Shell! GREAT ideas for the 13th! I love the 13 wishes idea especially! I really like all the positive here for the 13. All the the "negative" side of these dates is really silly...LOL! Hope you're having a great weekend... Glad to see you back here, hope you had a good break. :o) ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Dear Shell,
I hope you had a fabulous Friday the 13th!
Love the list of movies...especialy The Uninvited. I've always loved Ray Milland.

Anonymous said...

By the way, our Luna was an adopted kitty. Silly superstitons about black cats!

Her Speak said...

I love love LOVE the wish idea. :)

I got my black kitty from a shelter--she's tail-less and grouchy and I wouldn't trade her for ANYTHING. She's on my lap right now as I write this. :)

Hope you had a wickedly fun Friday the 13th!

Laura {Gypsea Tree} said...

Haha! Love it! Long ago I adopted 13 as my lucky number and I've always wanted a black cat too...

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