It's that time again. When Lady Luna shines
strong and bright tonight. The Full Moon name
for this May Moon that I like best is the
Flowering Moon. Or if you prefer the Flower
We are in the fullness of Spring and everything
is flowering around us. How about you? Look
at your life and see what is flowering beautifully
these days.
This Full Moon is under the sign of Scorpio. All
my watery Scorpio babies in the sun and moon in
Scorpio, this is your Moon!
The rest of us can enjoy this moon too.
Here are some suggestions:
* Pick a mirror in your house that you dedicate
to yourself. Clean it. Decorate if you wish.
Every time you feel a negative thought
coming, go to the mirror and say uplifting words
to yourself.
* Do you have a secret self that you wish to be more
like? Start tonight to bring that self out from time to
time in your real life. Dress, read, talk or listen
to music that your secret self would. It is powerful and
healing act for you to do. Being all who we are makes us
shine even brighter.
* Make a list of all your guilts, faults, issues.
Write it all out. No one will see it but you.
Then burn them in a safe place. As you watch them
burn, imagine them being cleared away. Flush
what is left of the list down the bathroom.
Then start tomorrow fresh.
As always, these are suggestions. You do whatever
you feel guided to on this Full Moon. Remember,
if you can't do it tonight, the energy of the Full
Moon lasts another night.
Wishing you all a magical Flowering Moon.
I love your inspiring suggestions, Shell.
You have such a positive, loving spirit!
I agree, you are a darlin, I always love reading your posts and getting your ideas. thank you for being an inspiration Shell. hugs.
Woooowie! So much magic in this post! I hope your full moon was magnificent. :)
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