Thursday, April 21, 2011

Time to Frolic...

Happy Dreamy Thursday, my fellow Dreamers.
Dreamy Thursday will be back in two weeks.

My Gypsy side is needing time to feel free and frolic.
I'll be away from Swan of Dreamers. I'll still
be around popping in to your blogs. I should be back
around Beltane/May Day.

Here are Three fun tips for all of you:

The sun is in Taurus. This sign bursts
with luxury, wealth, fertility, sensuality.
So you want to be more sexy and wealthy,
now is the time to allow that to come out of you.

Mae West, Mae West Mae West!. If you have never seen
a Mae West movie, please do yourself a favor,
and do. She is bawdy, funny and sexy. I love the
fact some of her films are adapted from her own plays.
Go on, Mae. I have on deck tonight: She Done Him Wrong
starring Mae and Cary Grant.

Flowers. One of my favorite things is to buy
fresh flowers. It doesn't have to be roses.
You can get sunflowers, carnations, daisies,
baby's breath, lillies. You don't need a whole
bouquet. A lone Sunflower is beautiful to display.
Even pick a few wildflowers in your area. My favorite spring
flower are dandelions. I love seeing them
pop up because I know Spring is here.

Have a beautiful and enchanted April. See you
all back here in May.



GlorV1 said...

Have fun on your getaway and Happy Easter to you. I love Mae West too. Take care.

Cindy said...

You gypsy soul you, have the best of times, sending many happy wishes for you your way. hugs. will be here when you come back. I do a great Mae West impersonation. lol...

Tracy said...

ENJOY your break, Shell! .o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

DVArtist said...

Good morning Shell and congratulations!!! You are one or the winners for my birthday party. Hurrraaayyy. Please send me your snail mail and I will send your gift.
Thank you for being part of my party.

Victoria said...

Yay Hi Shell...I always love your posts and all the magic you share! and yes i LOVE mae West..she is awesome! Blessings of Beltane, May..the Greenman and the Goddess!

Elisa Day said...

I hope you enjoy your break and come back soon. I also love flowers

get zapped said...

I'm delighted I have rediscovered your blog. Such uplifting expressions and just what I need now. I will get myself some flowers. :)

Look forward to more posts!

The Cat Hag said...

Do enjoy your time off relaxing and recharging! :)

The Cat Hag

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