What Joy, it is a Full Moon tonight.
This Full Moon has many names. I adore
the name Pink Moon because all of the lovely
flowers in beautiful shades including Pink
are beginning to bloom now. A second runner
up for me is the Hare Moon. Giving a nod
to our animal friend: The Bunny.
The Pink Moon is in the sign of Libra.
So all my sun sign and moon sign in Libra
this moon is special for you.
For the rest of us, we can still play
and dance under this Full Moon.
Libra is ruled by the one of
the most beautiful and well known Love
Goddesses: Venus.
For this Full Moon you can:
Decide to make more time for
Self-Love. That can take any form:
carving out time to be, standing up
for yourself more or schedule a long
over due retreat for yourself.
Treat yourself to a pretty spring
outfit and make up. ( I did
some Beauty shopping for myself today
with a pretty blue Asian styled skirt,
lipstick and new sneakers.)
Make plans to made amends with old
friends/family if need be.(Wait till
after Mercury Retrograde to do this: April
26th); Or let go of any guilt you are carrying
around needlessly.
If you have been feeling oppressed in any way,
light a candle to call on Lady Justice (personified
in the Justice figure outside courthouses.) to
bring your relief and the fairness you deserve.
These are a few suggestions. As always, follow
your own guidance on what to do under this
Pink Moon.
Most importantly have fun and honor yourself.
Wishing you all a wonderful Pink Moon.
Blessed Pink Moon to you Shell! Oh I wish things were blooming around here. It snowed the other day and has been dark, cold and stormy. I am glad that you sense the gentle energy of spring. It eludes my world but I am happy for you!
My date book called it the Wind Moon and that is what we got, lots of wild wind which I am hoping will sweep the last of winter away.
Thanks for the heads up. I didn't realize there was a full moon tonight til I read this post...glad I didn't miss it.
Merry Full Moon Shell! Beautiful thoughts for a special night. Think I'll take a bubble bath to honor it. :)
Much Joy Always~*
LOVING THE PINK MOON! This weekend hubby & I dropped the errands and to-do list and just enjoyed...the rest can wait. I dug out some fabric and started sewing a top for myself and to add a bit of pretty to my wardrobe which could use a bit of a lift I note. More pink to honor the pink moon, I think. ;o) Happy Week, Shell ((HUGS))
Thanks for visiting me...oh a pink moon...how lovely~!
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