Thursday, December 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jane

I had a whole another idea for a post. Then
I found out earlier that today is Jane Austen's birthday.

How could I not show love to Jane. It is her 235th birthday.
Still looking good, Jane! Seriously, Jane Austen seems to
stay relevant even after two centuries. Amazing.

What is your favorite Jane Austen book? I know everyone
loves Pride and Prejudice. I enjoyed it too. My favorite
is Persuasion. This novel appeals to my romantic soul.
I do feel a kinship with Anne Elliot, the heroine of the book.
I guess I know all about having a good heart and being put
upon my others.

Captain Frederick Wentworth melts my heart when he finally
realizes what a dunderhead he is about his feelings toward

This has to be one of my favorite passages in Persuasion.
I feel one of my favorite letters in all of literature.
Here is part of the letter Captain Wentworth sends to Anne.

I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means
as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony,
half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings
are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart
even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years
and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman,
that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you.
Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been,
but never inconstant.

Now, if you haven't read Persuasion. Do yourself a favorite
and read it.

Happy Birthday, Jane. Thank you for all your wonderful characters
who live in the novels that we all hold so dear.



Tracy said...

Oh, this is a great post, Shell! Huge Janeite, I am... ;o) P & P and Persuasion are both my favorites, equally. Captain Wentworth sure makes the heart go *swoon*... *sigh*... Happy Days ((HUGS))

Soft Rock Music said...

Love your blog!
see you on my blog...
Peace through Music and Merry Christmas!
Listen some Soft Music

Tristan Robin said...

Emma is my favorite, I believe. Frankly, I've only read each one once. They keep making so many movies of the books, there's no need to read them anymore! LOL

Elisa Day said...

I love the quote you shared. I have not read any book by Jane Austen. I have seen some of the movies. I have to go to the library and find the book you are talking about. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Love love love your blog & this post!! Thanx for your sweet comment at my Wabi & Sabi place!

P & L
Agneta, the swedish one ;)

Ps. "Let me see if I’ve got this Santa business straight. You say he wears a beard, has no discernible source of income and flies to cities all over the world under cover of darkness? You sure this guy isn’t laundering illegal drug money?” ~Tom Armstrong Ds

Anonymous said...
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Wendy said...

Oh thank you for reminding me of Jane's birthday. Hmmm, what shall I buy her? She already has Darcy wooing her. Did you like "Persuasion" the best? And which Jane character do you resonate the most with? Wishing you a very magickal and Austen-like Solstice, Shell :)

Laurel said...

Great post Sweets. I am finally up and running again after a lot of pain and a few shame attacks:) Love you and find me here at

Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...