Saturday, October 16, 2010

Enchanted : A Halloween Tale

It all started as an ordinary day. I had
just woken up and went to take a shower.
Then I walked into my bedroom to check my
e-mail. Mabel meowed most urgently.

"What wrong's Mabel?"
She turned and pointed with her paw. There
sat on my rose picture a Crow.

Hello, Shell.

I lived part of my life in a magical world. Still, having
a talking Crow in my room made me pause.
I have a urgent message
for you. You must go to The Park today. There you will
find your answer.
What answer?
The answer you have been seeking in your dreams.

The answer I have been looking for? There
was only answer that I had been seeking for almost
two years now. At that moment,I looked up to see The Crow and Mabel saying goodbye.
Farewell, Shell. We will meet again soon.
The window opened on it's own. I watched The Crow fly away until
she was a speck in the blue sky.

I had to get dressed. I noticed on my pillow a
beautiful red Rose and The Sun Card from the Jane Austen Tarot.
Looking at the picture, I understood some of the answer that
would be waiting for me in the park.

The sky is beginning to get cloudy from the approaching storm. I ignored
it as I walked to my beloved park.

Though cars raced by the highway, the path is quiet. I walked
with my heart racing fact and anticipation fluttering in my stomach.

I made it the park and walked among my favorite group of Trees.
I wasn't sure what I am looking for. I know it would appear. Then
I heard a whistle, there is The Crow again.It is right over there what you seek.

I went to one of the oldest of the Trees. There nestled in the ground,
a letter with a another Red rose and a piece of chocolate on it. As
I bent closer to it, I gasped. There is handwriting I hadn't seen in
almost two years. A letter to me from my Sean. He is the answer that I
have sought.

I picked up the Rose. It smelled of love, hope and friendship
that never dies.

I sat on the green grass. I gently opened the letter from
Sean. My heart burst open in happiness.

Those two lines meant more to me than anything since his passing.
For the first time since Sean had gone, I felt a deep peace.

Of course, it is nearly Halloween. Now, the veils between our world
and the next grow thinner as the days get close to October 31st.
To be enchanted by a friend long gone is the best gift I can ever

I hope you enjoyed my Halloween Tale. I'm wishing you all a Wonderful
and Magical Halloween. Please join in on this Enchanted merriment hosted by the Creative and most Magical Vanessa.



Kalei's Best Friend said...

Beautiful! Shell...I remember your other posts about Sean... he would love this one for sure!

Anonymous said...

I love your cute cat!!
Welcome to visit my Halloween party:

Bloomin'Chick Jo said...

Lovely party post! Hope you'll stop by, Happy Halloween!

LYNDY WARD said...

Darling Cat & Halloween Tale...

Pretty PICs & Post.

Please fly by for my giveaways too...
Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy

My Haunted Halloween Party Link:

Victoria said...

What a gorgeous inspiring post....dazzling and full of spirit....beautiful tribute to him and such warm-heartedness i feel shining through..a wonderfully magical post...hugs! BEAUTIFUL!

Sarah said...

I love your halloween tale about Sean and the crow Shell. It is indeed a great gift. Nice to see Mabel again too!

Sara said...

Love your post to pieces. Hope you're having a great party day and Happy Halloween. xx

Natalie said...

One of my cats, Indiana, helps me check my email too! I think he and Mabel would get on very well :)

This is my first blog-party but I'm having such fun so far!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Loved your story. Thank you for being such a hospitable hostess! Have a wonderful weekend! Twyla

Designs by Blanche said...

What a charming and deeply spiritual post! You weave a lovely tale - I was drawn in to the very end!

Do come by for a visit if you get a chance!

Róisín said...

Beautiful post! And I love your wee moggie :) Happy Halloween!
Roisin x

jasmoonbutterfly said...

Beautiful & moving thank you for sharing:0)
love & light
Trace x said...

Oh, enchanted and heart tugging beautiful Shell.

Thank you for sharing your tale... and holding on to memories....

Much love ♥, Vanessa {A Fanciful Twist}

Cindy said...

Beautiful Shell, you look awesome, And your kind caring and loving heart always show through. beautiful.

SarahMarie said...

What a beautiful story! So glad I stopped by.

Wendy said...

That was such a beautiful post. Cats are angels and crows are the guides of those departed. I felt very blessed to have been included in your meditation, your J. Austen tarot (which I want) and the letter from your loved one as he watches over you. Thank you so much for including me into your world.

mermaiden said...

oh, goosebumps. that was so touching. may you always hold hands across the divide.

i'm glad we exchanged visits :D

Scrap Vamp said...

What a wonderful tale and beautiful pictures! Thank you so much for inviting me to your party! I hope you'll visit my party, too!


Michelle Frae Cummings said...

what a wonderful party!

Hope you'll come visit mine and my post(s) for all of October!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Oh my goodness! What a beautiful, heartfelt tale. It was such a lovely memorial to your dear Sean. And I see that you also happened upon a talking raven! Thank you very much for visiting my party! Theresa

Romeo said...

Mabel, how wonderfully feline of you to point Shell in the right direction...well you and the crow of course. Inner peace - what a wonderful gift Sean has given you on this day!


Romeo and "her"

christina said...

this was most beautiful. and sean would just love it. he is a shinning star in your sky.

Molly Anne said...

Love the kitty and the crow nose to nose! So beautiful and mysterious. And you totally made me cry. :)

Michelle said...

What a beautiful party and tribute to your loved one! Love the pic of Mabel and the crow. Thanks for inviting me and for stopping by my party!

Lenora said...

"to be enchanted by a friend long gone" - we love that line! Wonderful Halloween tale! I think you will like our similar party! - please do come on over to our graveyard / party The Graveyard
and feel free to add to our Shrine To Honour The Dead if you are so inclined! Blessings.

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

You are such a great storyteller and poet. I love this!!! Pictures and all. You cat looks just like mine he he he he he! He is such a character. Excellent post Shell!

Anonymous said...

OH! I love that Jane Austen tarot card. Who knew? I'll have to go look at the whole set now.

Also----I can't read the Mark Hamill comment under 'Talent'....what does that say?

Linda said...

A very lovely story. Loved your photos. Thank you for sharing. Please visit em:

Susan said...

That was just magically lovely!!
Thank you :)

Thank you :)


Please come visit:
pre-party post, main party post with giveaway, post-party post

Petunia said...

Your tale is beautiful and so touching. I thank you for sharing it. Such a lovely post and your Mabel is quite enchanting. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you can visit again (or pehaps join us) this Saturday for my Tea Party Under a Halloween Moon.

SarahA said...

I am liking your words and the feeling I get from reading such. The magic and enchantment, within the Spiritual.

Wendy said...

This was such a beautiful and heart felt story. It is true. The veil between the two realms is so thin, and I believe those we love are right there beside us. Have a Happy Halloween.
Spells and Wishes,
Wendy from Wonderland
....oh and I love the Jane Austen Tarot card

Annabelle said...

So enchanted with an aching heart. I adored the touching story...beautiful and truly from the bottom of your heart. Lovely time I had here.

I'm having a draw for a little something for HALLOWEEN OCTOBER 31ST so do drop in for a little while.

( )

•*´¨*.•*´¨*~^..^~*Annabelle.•*´¨*.•* *

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging