Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday sky

It has been hot and steamy in NYC.
Reaching triple digits. Oh, my.

Last night, Anakin, Mabel and I just
laid around drinking water, not moving
much and trying to stay cool as possible.

Today, it's a mix of sun and clouds. In
the upper 80's. I can actually have the
shades up to watch the sky. I can breathe
and think.

For all my classic romance fans out there
Tomorrow on TCM, they are showing
Till We Meet Again and Love Affair. These
are two movies have talked about before.
They are a must see. So DVD-R alert.

With my own acting, I am still committed
as ever. Just finished a set of postcards to
send out to agents/casting directors.
About two weeks ago, I got selected
with about 30 other actors to meet up
with a VP of Casting at CBS here in
New York. Walking into the actual CBS building
was a real thrill. She told us insider
tips on casting shows and went through
our headshots. She was honest and real.
Brownie points for me, she loved my headshot
which made me feel good.

Things are chugging along with my acting.
Focused and consistent action is the name
of the game in whatever dream or business
you are in.

Wishing you all a beautiful Thursday. If
you haven't been working on your dreams lately,
dust them off and get cracking on them!

Remember your dreams are waiting for you
to help make them real.



GlorV1 said...

Congratulations Shell on your accomplishments. Keep doing what you're doing. Soar on! It's hot over here too. I'm inside so that's not too bad. You take care and have a great rest of the week and good luck with your casting calls.

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

he he he he he he I love your header!!! It's just prefect and says it all. Congratulations Girly. I love that you keep it moving all the time. Hope that you are somewhere cooling it in all this heat. Keep it going. You are headed to your destiny! Run to it!!!

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

Glad it 'cooled down' to the 80's! HA!
Berak a leg!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Thursday was the last day of our heatwave here in Metro Detroit. We have had 5 days of consistent 90+ degree weather with high humidity. Whew! I'm just now starting to feel comfortable. Today is supposed to be in the mid 80's. THAT I can tolerate much better.

I'm so proud of you being consistent in chasing your dream. I have been so inspired by your advice to do something daily toward achieving your dreams. Mine is to be a full time illustrator specializing in fashion and children's book illustration. I'm off from work now for a while and I'm trying to finish at least one illustration per day. So far it's working.

Have a great weekend, my dear!

Cindy said...

Glad it is not as hot there for are doing great with the acting and inspiring us, take care. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Sean Graham said...

Thanks so much fo rth emovie selections! Sometimes I don't know which movie to watch but you give me good suggestions.

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