Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Welcome September

I'm happy September is here.I feel the winds of Autumn already inspiring me. My heart is healing day by day. I spent part of my afternoon writing my to do list/goals for each areas of my life: my acting, my tutoring, my personal life and my home. Now, I have a clearer focus for the rest of 2009. I have yet to do my 100 list of things I want to do in my life. That's next. Maybe work on that tomorrow.

Here is another scan from my beloved Richard Scarry Book. Seriously, it's falling apart. I do love it. It still has my scribblings, spots, and drawings from me as a little girl.

I'm wishing all of you a creative and inspiring September. Today spend time making a list for your dreams. All dreams are worthy: big or small.



Elisa Day said...

Thank you! wishig you a creative september. I will make a list with my dreams. Hugs

Sarah said...

I love that illustration-it is hilarious how the teacher looks very much like a wolf and has an open pair of scissors hanging from her apron! I wonder if I will look like that next week?!
I keep thinking of lists of goals in my head but have not got around to writing any of them down yet.
Glad you are working on yours.

GlorV1 said...

Happy September to you Shell and may your dreams come true.

christina said...

oh you know how i love lists. 100 things? oh yes! you inspire me. : )

tea time and roses said...

Hello Dear Shell!

I too am so excited about September!:o) Autumn is on its way to share all of its wonders with us. You indeed are an inspiration my friend. Thank you so much!



Tristan Robin said...

autumn is my favorite time of the year...hope yours is enchanting!

Laurel said...

Awe-Hi Sweet Shell. I love Richard Scarry Books. Have a happy day and I hope September brings you lots of love and peaceful dreams.

Clarity said...

So true and I love that you treasure the books of yesteryear.

Time to follow dreams is now - I wish you the best in it, xx.

Suzie Ridler said...

Oh how I loved Richard Scarry when I was a kid! His illustrations are priceless. Good for you for getting a clear idea of what you want in life Shell.

I also just had to come out of my no-commenting closet and mention that apparently Supernatural is starting next week, didn't want you to miss it!

Tracy said...

Sounds wonderful, Shell! I've been working on my lists too. September is a great time for review--I love it. I have yet to do my 100 list as well... So many lists...So many dreams! Happy weekend ((HUGS))

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging