Monday, August 31, 2009

Dreamthought #17

Happy Monday. I was so excited when I found the actual footage of the legendary Bruce Lee speaking one of my favorite dream thoughts. Another person taken too soon from us. This quote is on my blog as well. You can check out more wise words from Bruce right here.



Kalei's Best Friend said...

wow, how cool is that? what he says makes sense... if one is water, u can be anything and do anything!.

GlorV1 said...

That was really great. I want to be water, I am water!!! :D Thx for sharing Bruce Lee, one of my favorites.

maritessb said...

aww this footage made me tear. you're awesome for finding this!

Anonymous said...

beautiful thought- I think I'll be water rushing down a mountain on my way to the ocean.

take care

tea time and roses said...

Hello Shell!

My dear husband so enjoyed Bruce Lee. Thanks so much for sharing him here. You enjoy a lovely week my friend.:o)



VintageSage said...

Hi Shell!

Thanks for dropping by my place...and I never knew Bruce Lee had such insight!! I love it! Thanks for sharing. :)

Lots of love and peaceful blessings..

Michelle :)

Clarity said...

Lovely, I saw that same vid on youtube a few days ago and thought - Adore Bruce Lee, even have his documentaries - at the time I thought "Cool, Shell quoted him". Now you put it on here - psychic sister connection?


Another genius taken too soon - Bill Hicks.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging