Friday, September 4, 2009

Apple Moon

Happy Full Moon, everyone. It's a Friday Full Moon in the sign of Pisces. This Moon has numerous names, I decided to call this the Apple Moon since this is the time when apple picking season is right around the bend.

Like the picture up above, dive in the waters of imagination and the mystical. It's the Moon to indulge in a fantasy or two. (Safely of course.) Do something which scares you a little but you have wanted to do for a while, allow your heart to open a little more with hope if your life has been challenging or go bake magical brownies. (The secret to making magical brownies when you mix the ingredients you make a wish or prayer for something close to your heart. Trust me the brownies taste so much better and makes everyone feel good!)

If your busy tonight, the energy of the full moon lasts for two more days before it begins to wane. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend with the energy of this beautiful Moon to light up your nights.



Clarity said...

That is so lovely - thank you, girls transfixed by moonlight make the world brighter.

I actually do make a little prayer when I cook for people, have you ever watched "Like Water for Chocolate"?

Thank you so for your lovely compliments on my video poetry, from a professional and a kind person like you, it means a lot. I seriously debated not doing it, felt so personal..., x.

Elisa Day said...

Thank you! I am a crazy moon lover. Have a nice weekend

Laurel said...

Awe! I am going to make magical brownies and send them to college daughter! You are such a special person.
Apple moon- that sounds just right. Tonight I will think of you on the other side of the country:) when I look at the moon. happy weekend Darling Girl.

♥ Cara Mia ♥ said...

i noticed the moon while driving home tonight...beautiful! have a awesome holiday weekend in the boogie down bronx :)

cara mia

Anonymous said...

Love it!

A full moon in my moon sign. I'm trying to think of how I want to 'use' this full moon. Hrmm...

Lisa said...

Thanks Shell. I am enjoying the energy of the full moon this night. I love your banner. I often read from my email but tonight I clicked over and saw your new beautiful images. You are very special. xoxoxoxox

GlorV1 said...

Thanks so much for all those great thoughts. Have a great holiday weekend Shell. Take care.

Tristan Robin said...

Your inclusion of a prayer or special thought while cooking reminds me of the book "Like Water for Chocolate." Magic does come from cooking with an open heart and mind!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

Apple moon its is!
great name and on my sign!
and thank for your sweet inspiring words, too.
Soul hugs!

christina said...

i am going to make brownies, with a twist and a wish, thanks to you. : )

Marie said...

Dear Shell,

I must try those magical
brownies, what a wonderful dessert,
for the taste buds and life buds.

It is time to try something
new, being September and all.


Marie said...


Oh and yes the Moon is all of her
beautiful glory is reposing
silently outside my window, I see
her as I type.


Anonymous said...

No wonder I have been slightly loopey lately (more than I am normally), it's the Moon doing her 'thingy'. But she always holds my heart.Lovely post, you.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i am reveling in the full moon!!!!

Laurie said...

What a wonderful post! You have inspired me to do something magical!
I actually took the time to enjoy this full moon and it was well worth it.
I hope you are creating some magic of your own!
Brownies are sounding really good right now ~

Judy Hartman said...

What an inspiring post, Shell!
I love the 'magical brownies' idea, and it could be applied to all sorts of goodies!
Thank you for all the good wishes you've sent my way recently. They really helped!
Take care...

SE'LAH... said...

the full moon. what a beautiful sight for sore eyes.

Keith said...

Great post. I always enjoy these. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Take care.

Such a Wondrous Place this Faery Space said...

What a peaceful place! Thanks for the visit and I enjoy coming here! Blessings dear one!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

tee he he he! You are an apple moonie too??? He he he! This is so, so, sooooo wonderful. I got to see a huge big ol orange moon just the other night. It was wonderful! thanks for sharing!

Javajune said...

I had to laugh while reading this post I made brownies on Friday night (hadn't read your entry yet) too bad I didn't see this first- I didn't make a wish but they did taste so chocolatey good! Love the apple moon!
sweet dreams to you

tea time and roses said...

Hello Dear Shell!

Another lovely post. Thanks so much for the Labor Day wish. I had a wonderful peaceful and restful weekend.:o) Wishing you a beautiful week my friend.



Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Love, love, love a full moon. Magical indeed!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging