Tuesday, September 8, 2009

To go Big, do it Small

I have a tendency to get overwhelmed quickly. I've learned over the years to do as Mom would tell me: one thing at a time, Shell. I've translated this into when I have to do projects, I break it down into smaller steps to get them completed.

I've talked before about me painting my place since the beginning of August. I've painted my bedroom, foyer and now starting in the living room. Most people paint a whole room in a day. I wanted to do that but I felt like it was too much. I knew I get overwhelmed and frustrated easily. I decided to paint in sections. A big wall I slice into 3 sections. A smaller wall takes 2 sections. Each section would get painted a day. Of course, this means more time of me painting over all. Painting in bursts of two hours a day then having the rest of the day for other things feels great. I enjoy the experience of painting my walls with my own hands. With each section I get a sense of accomplishment, I love seeing the rooms begin to take on whole another vibe with their colors.

As Autumn approaches, you may feel the call to do big plans for the season for your home, family or yourself. Big plans are fine. I love to dream big! To accomplish the big things in your life break it down in smaller steps. Make it comfortable for you to do. If you make things comfortable and manageable, you will be more successful completing it.

If I planned on painting my whole home in one week. It would have been a mess for me. I may have gave up half way through. So you want to Go Big, Do it Small. Before you know it you have accomplished your Big plans.



Anonymous said...

i can't tell you how many times your words speak right to me. this is one of those posts. thank you so much.

Her Speak said...

Oh I always get the DIY bug as fall aproaches! You want to cozy up your home before winter hits--I'm planning to give my washroom a bit of a spa makeover myself. :)

Merry Makings, Shell!~*

Laurie said...

Yes, I have to break things down into small sections as well. I taught my kids to do the same, it has really helped them overall with school!
My hubby can paint a room in a day ~ no big deal. I just can't do it. Between my bad arm and feeling overwhelmed I just do a wall at a time. I want to repaint our bathroom, the lavender I chose is just a wee bit too purple. I just hate the thought of painting!
I bet your home is looking wonderful ~ what colors are you using ~ I hope you share a photo when you are done!

GlorV1 said...

Hi Shell. I'd love to see the completed job, looking forward to it. I think your post is a great idea. I have paint that I bought early this year for my studio and it is still sitting under the sink in the studio, go figure. hehehehe. You have given me incentive to go big and take it small. Great idea, thank you. Have a great week.

Suzie Ridler said...

Way to go Shell, you have the patience of a priestess! I wish I could be like that, one little piece at a time. I could barely do our shutters, a whole room freaks me out. Maybe when my husband gets home we'll try, this is the time of year for making the inside of the home pretty. OK, back to my no-commenting closet.

Sarah said...

You know today has been pretty overwhelming at work-with ever more impossible seeming tasks on top of my already full workload. After panicking for a while I suddenly remembered the teaching edict about giving children 'small achievable tasks' and I began to try to see my problems in that way. You have confirmed my approach so thank you dear Shell-I feel doubly better now!
I think it is great the way you are decorating and it will be so lovely when it is done!

VintageSage said...

Oh let me come help. I'm notorious for starting projects and never finishing so I can do half of it and you can do the other half. LOL! Great idea though. Good luck!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Wise words from your mom... I wished I had your idea of dividing up your paint project then maybe I would like painting walls!. LOL,, glad u have the patience to do it slowly.. I don't.. I see it works for you and I am sure I can apply it to other goals..

Tracy said...

I like that, Shell--to go big, do it small! Good luck with all your painting. Hubby & I have been working on painting a fence surrounding our property all summer...it's felt never-ending--LOL! But it's looking good... Have a great week! :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Shell,
So nice to meet you...thanks for visiting! These words spoke right to my heart today as I want to completely redecorate my entire home...living and dining rooms, kitchen, bedroom, bath...but I haven't even started one small thing because the thought of being able to "do it all" overwhelms me. You are so right about taking small steps...breaking it down to manageable tasks...thank you! You have truly encouraged me today.

Deborah said...

Rope your brothers, sisters and friends in to help. Have you read Tom Sawyer. Failing the Tom Sawyer Approach, Feed them pizza, cupcakes, beers .. you get the idea.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging