Last night, I didn't sleep too well. Today, I woke up to a bright day. Which instantly lifted me up. In honor of my favorite day of the week! I'm celebrating what is making me happy today.
1) I have my new issue of Romantic Homes to read.
2) Boss of You by Lauren Bacon is waiting for me at the library. Which I'm going to pick up today
3) It is a beautiful sunny day
4) I have been exercising daily for 10-15 minutes and results are slowly beginning to show.
5) I am soon getting pretty yellow paint to do more painting in my apartment.
What is making you happy today? Please share, I love to hear all.
As always, I hope you spend time to work on your dream today.
The fresh organic smoothie that my husband, daugher and I shared. It consisted of strawberries, banana, kiwi, orange, mango and organic apple juice! Yummy!
Lovely list! Mine would include packing to go on holiday, a magazine too-Where Women Create-I love it! Seeing my Dad and Joan his wife, my tomatoes having a few flowers finally and making felty things!
Hope you sleep better tonight.
I'm glad I read this! Reading about what makes other people happy, make me smile.
As for what is making me happy today, I have another person reading my blog. And, I had a delicious smoothie of watermelon, and concord grapes.
Glad you woke with happiness. I love your blog. It is so refreshing. The flower heart is so pretty.
New kitties sleeping on my chest. Purring. Clean sheets on my bed for when I crawl in tonight.
I happy because it's now friday which is date night so we go out for dinner-beats my cooking any day. I'm happy because it is morning-the start to a new day. happy because the weekend is ahead and I love weekends with my family.
and last but not least I'm happy to have a cyber friend like you- thanks Shell.
First time visiting your lovely blog. Love Bruce Lee...many people on your photos...and this daisy heart is fabulous!
~ Gabriela ~
It is raining here, once again. Although I've put out all sorts of creative things in the last month I have been, sad to admit, in a slump. It could be with my son away for 4-1/2 weeks now that I feel this way. Seeing your happy list is reminding me of a practice that I've fallen out of. My son and I share our three happy moments of the day at the end of each night. I haven't been doing this. It always makes me feel good.
So here is a pick me up what made me happy list for today:
***Stopping by here with all of the warmth and goodness and reminder to look at what makes me happy. Just love how gratitude feels.
***In my morning pages I today I was writing about my son's return home and I was so happy imagining our trip to his favorite place, Ruggles Mine. Boy I'm looking forward to that adventure.
***It's Friday! Yoo-hoo. I am eager for the weekend. I'm happy to see how it unfolds.
I hope you, dear one, have a wonderful weekend.
{soul hugs}
my daughter's laughter
friends visiting
fresh baked bread
that makes me happy.
sending lots of positive vibes your way.
Romantic homes~ yes, so beautiful.
I am enjoying the gift of words, in reading poetry by
Nikki Giovanni.
Sorry I'm so late. This is such a wonderful post. I'm going to have to join you in the 10-15 minute exercise routine. All this sitting and drawing is starting to culminate in a serious spread, hee hee!
Coming to you blog always makes me smile. Being able to draw and to create makes me very happy!
Have a great one!
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