Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fantasy on a misty day

This is one of my top ten videos of all time. Wicked Game by Chris Isaak is a beautiful song. Back in the day Supermodel Helena Christensen and Chris heat up the screen. This gem directed by Herb Ritts makes me lament his untimely passing. He had a way with photography and videos that is timeless. I can't believe this song and video is almost 20 years old. Wow. It fits the weather today. All misty and cloudy here in New York. Enjoy.



clairedulalune said...

I loved this beautiful video and song and oh how I want to look like Helena!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...


Clarity said...

Chris I. has one of the most beautiful and resonant voices ever. Thanks for the reminder of my schooldays and smiles.

He also has/had a great show of his own were he interviewed music makers, not for commercial publicity but real artists he respected - it was ... ! check it out.

Laurel said...

So cool- he has done a local benefit in my town for years for an animal rescue foundation and he is a very cool guy. Had a little puppy if I recall in a cute carrier:) Sexy guy-sexy voice and very different. Thanks for the reminder Shell!

Deborah said...

Beautiful song Shell. You are right about the album looking better without the cherub. Don't ever worry about telling me what you think.

17th Blogversary

My sweet little blog is 17 years old today!! My mind is totally blown with this. I want to thank all of my subscribers past and present. I a...