Friday, January 30, 2009

Cranky to Fun

I have been cranky all day. I even took a nap to ease some it. It did somewhat.I am doing my best to be gentle with myself. Let's have some fun, shall we.

Here are five more facts about Shell.

1)I love sunsets.

2)I love Red Dresses (I need to get a new one for myself.)

3)One of my favorite books when I was little is Richard Scarry's books. I still have one after all these years.

4)I love the show: Myles of Style on HGTV

5)One of my life goals is living a month in Paris.

I don't know how many know about Starz Bunnies. They do 30 second version of movies using animated bunnies. It is hilarious. So go and check it out.

Everyone have a good Friday. See you back here tomorrow. Sweet dreams to you all.


Her Speak said...
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Her Speak said...

^^Sorry about that! I realized I tried to combine two thoughts together and what I wrote made no sense! We'll try again:

I love red dresses too! Stunning Jessica Rabbit sort of frocks. Hehe! Sequins for Life!!

Much Joy~*

Maithri said...

Thanks for the smile you always put in my heart,

Love, M

Suzie Ridler said...

I love those Richard Scarry books, so detailed and fun. One of the few books I liked as a kid. I was a kids' book snob, LOL.

It's wonderful to see you posting Shell and I bet you look awesome in red dresses.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging