Thursday, December 4, 2008

Celebrating Winter

Out of all the seasons, I feel poor Winter gets the shaft. I know people hate the cold, the ice and the snow. I love all of that. The wonder of snow blanketing the city. It's clean, quiet and beautiful. The spare beauty of the trees without leaves. My sister trees: the majestic pines. Whenever I see them begin to grow, I know my birthday is coming.

Once I had my own place, I decided to celebrate Christmas and Winter. I have my standard Holiday decorations. I thought about what really is a good image of Winter: snow. I started buying snowmen and women. Plaques that said I love winter and I love snow with more snow people. I even branched out to Bunnies or other animals dressed up in winter gear. I also buy Angels as well. Because Angels are all year round to me. You can even do Faeries. Because we all know Santa Claus is a jolly old elf. Last year, I found a Sparkly sun to celebrate the return of light coming which happens in Winter.

When Jan 1 comes, I still have a whole slew of happy, funny and sweet Winter decorations that I keep up until Spring. This season look out for decorations you can keep up all Winter long. Or make decorations yourself. Think about what Winter means to you. How you can bring light, warmth and cheeriness to the season for you. I promise you it will help you with the winter blahs that we all are subject to.


tea time and roses said...

Hello Shell!

Your place here indeed makes me smile! Winter though cold is a beautiful time of year. We do not get all the snow in southern California, and must drive to the mountains to have a good snowball fight!:o) This time of year in blogland is so wonderful because I get to see all the wonderful snow photos, so beautiful! Remember the old fashion Christmas cards with lots of glittery snow scenes, sleighs, and snow topped old homes, lovely indeed! Continue to enjoy the magic of the season! Merry Christmas to you Shell!



Laurie said...

I grew up hating January (in particular) because that meant Christmas vacation was over and I had to go back to school! My Mom really hated winter because her parents died in Jan/Feb. That I do understand, my Mom died in February, so that month I don't like. But I actually enjoy the time after the holidays when things slow down a bit and I can hibernate and spend time baking and reading good books!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

it is unfair for me to say I love winter because my winters are different from some of you but I do and oh so very much and our snow for me it is pure joy to see and feel when i am on vacation in your side of the world you understand me right? LOL

Her Speak said...

I live in Wisconsin--Good thing I love snow! It does it about 5 months out of the year here. My birthday is in May and I can remember it snowing while kids were coming to my pizza party! I totally agree--absolutely beautiful.There's something fantasy-like about sparkling ice-coated branches and glittery flurries. :)

Many Blissings!~*

Caroline said...

Winter totally gets the shaft. I have to admit, I miss it now that I am someplace that is warm all the time. I miss the first magical. I miss the quite that snow brings. I don't miss scraping my car off though :)

Suzie Ridler said...

Wow, that's a refreshing outlook on Christmas and winter in general. I will try and embrace the beauty of this season, I really will. It's true, my birthday will be coming up in January and then I will go back to the Five Fisherman Restaurant for more delicious food. I can hang on until then.

Shell said...

Thanks everyone for sharing some of your love of Winter with me. Suzie, I wrote this post thinking of you. I hope it helps a bit.

Lady Prism said...

One of my dreams is to someday see 'snow." For real.

Right now it's pretty cool here. Cool enough to put on a thin jacket. Snow would probably look so magical to me:)

Sarah said...

I love winter too. I love the way the cold air feels so refreshing like fresh cold water. I would like more snow! We don't get much in London though they tend to get a lot down the road in Kent.
Happy wintering!

Sweetina said...

Hi Sweet Shell~
You received an award too!Yay!!!
You are so creative and deep of soul~it makes your blog such a wonderful place to visit.
I love your idea of Winter decorations that you can use till Spring...snowmen and women and especially snow bunnies (scream!) are magical!
I hope you are feeling well and your heart is on the mend.
Remember that God made you perfect in His eyes.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging