Friday, August 1, 2008

Do you believe in Angels?

Do you believe in Angels? I do. I believe we all have a guardian angel that stays with us from the time we take our first breathe until our last. I love this painting by Edward Clay Wright. I believe in kick ass Angels not the cute chubby ones with wings. Why do I bring this up? Today, I had one of those days that I wish I would of stayed in. I went for a job interview and the interviewer never showed up! Went to pick up copies of my head shots and they turned out so-so. I almost cried on the train coming home a couple of times. And the soaring heat didn't help my mood.

I was feeling plain sorry for myself. Once I got into the sanctuary of my cool apartment, I began to feel better. Then I felt a spiritual pinch in my heart. I thought of all the unexpected blessings I got this week. On Tuesday, I got cast in a short film. I had only one line but the director and cast were so nice to me. It was fun. On Wednesday, I went to my friend, Ali's house to see the movie Penelope starring Christina Ricci and James McAvoy. We both enjoyed it. Then yesterday, I won from Mystele one of her wonderful prints.

I knew it is my guardian angel giving me a heads up. I imagine my guardian angel to favor Seal in looks. He is about six-four with locs. I know I sometimes drive him mad. He is trying so hard to get me through this rough period. My usual sunny nature has been taken a beating this summer. It takes a lot more energy than usual to not sink into negativity.

We may feel like we have been abandoned or left behind, that is only an illusion. We are never alone and always loved. Whatever beliefs you have, all major religions believe in Angels. So give your guardian angel a break. When you say your prayers tonight or do your private rituals, say thank you. He or She will be so happy to acknowledged.

So to all of you and your guardian Angels have a lovely Friday.


Suzie Ridler said...

What a beautiful and telling post Shell. Perhaps it's because of the dark moon but sadness seems to have crept into a lot of our lives. I know it has mine and I am letting all of that go. I don't know if I believe in the traditional idea of angels but I do believe in spirit guides who help us during the tough times. That they are there for us when we call.

I'm glad you could see the blessings that found you this week when you were able to cool off and see them. Congrats for that role in that movie! There is no such thing as too small a role in a movie and the fact that you had fun shows you're in the right place on the right path.

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Congrats for receiving that role. You know, this post is very timely because things haven't been all that great for me this summer, either. But I thank God for the blessings that have come my way, such as having the money to pay two months rent during a time when I'm not working. There's my shelter. For food, when I really haven't had money to buy groceries, and for life and the ability to talk to friends like you about the blessings of God.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I left you a reciprical comment on my blog. You hang in there, girl. Help is on the way.

Love and the Grace of Christ be with you.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging