Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mad for Laurence

My honey bun is 47 today! Okay, so Laurence Fishburne is not my honey, in an alternate reality I'm sure he is. If you have been reading this blog, you know how mad I am for Laurence. I've spent two posts on him. I decided to keep my birthday tribute short on words. If you want to check out more on Laurence, just click on his name. We all know how good he is. I decided to let Laurence speak for himself today. I'm putting two videos: one from his most famous work so far and another with him doing Uncle Will.

Happy Birthday Laurence. I send you much love and hugs. One day, I plan to work with you!!

My Fave Laurence's films:
Deep Cover
Tuskegee Airmen
Miss Evers' Boys
The Matrix Trilogy
Always Outnumbered


Suzie Ridler said...

Happy Birthday Laurence! Interesting that he is a Leo, I didn't know that but it makes sense. Explains a lot of his charisma.

It's so true! Movies can save us can't they? I love movies and totally indulged yesterday when I wasn't feeling well. :)

Marta said...

Nice blog, Shell! I shall have to come visit when I'm not due elsewhere.

I thought I was the ONLY person to see Deep Cover. Loved it and the voice-over -- which I learned was added to make sense of the plot.

My fave Lawrence Fishburn role -- had to be in The Matrix.

Shell said...

Hi Marta. Thanks so much. I read the first book in your series and enjoyed it. Nope your are not the only person to see Deep Cover. I hope you get a chance to stop by again.

Anonymous said...

Great post. Remember the very young LF in Apocolypse Now. I think he was about 17 when he shot that.

And of course there was Cornbread, Earl and me-I think he was even younger in that one. Ahem, but now I'm really dating myself-lol.

Have a great weekend!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging