Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Lena

Legend. Trailblazer. Icon. Lena Horne is all of this and so much more. Today she is 91 years young. My earliest memory of Lena Horne is as the luminous Glinda The Good Witch in The Wiz. To me she was the highlight of the movie! A couple of years back, I saw a clip of a big party that MGM had for all the stars in the 40's. There in the middle of all those sea of white stars sat Lena sitting elegantly and beautiful. I wondered how she really felt. Miss Lena had to endure racism in many forms. Her scenes in most of her movies for MGM were cut out when shipped down South so as not to offend the white audiences. Her most famous movies at MGM as ,one of the few Black performers under contract, are Stormy Weather and Cabin in The Sky. Being a talented and beautiful actress and singer in the 40's could only get her so far. Despite that, Lena Horne went on to flourish in television and theater; also as a recording artist. She is an Grammy and Tony award winner.
Lena Horne, the actress, the singer, the activist is a woman to be respected and remembered. As an African American Actress, I am grateful for her commitment to always show us in a positive and wonderful light. I feel as the first true Black Movie Star, she paved the way for generations of actress to come. Here is Lena Horne signing her signature song: Stormy Weather

Check out more about Lena at or


Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

My, my. What a wonderful post. I remember looking at movies and seeing that beautiful lady as a young child. My mother loved Lena Horne nd was the catalyst in my extensive old hollywood education.

I love your blog. The pictures of actors and entertainers are beautiful and your writing is wonderful.

Have a great day and I look forward to more.

May your dreams come true and your goals remain attainable.

Ciao, my Bella.

Shell said...

So glad you like my piece of sky here. Though acting is my first love, writing is my second love. Here I can indulge in it. I really want to make this place where I celebrate actors especially ones of color. I loved those Mary Jane shoes you had for yesterday's post. They are so beautiful.
Ciao, to you my friend. Thank you for your kind words. Have a wonderful 4th.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging