I have two more rehearsals then Wednesday is the show!! The whole experience of working on the sonnets is so different than what I imagined. There are six of us in the cast and each of us have four sonnets. I have read the sonnets many times but to hear spoken out loud is amazing. Uncle Will went through some deep stuff in his life to write these. The sonnets are full of love, rage, madness, shame, redemption, revenge, hope. All I can say to people is don't sleep on the sonnets. Many of the themes of his greatest plays are in these as well.
When I see the choices of the sonnets we all made, I wonder if they picked us instead of us picking the sonnets. The ones I have resonate within me. I am line by line being transformed. I welcome it though I had to go deep and dark within me at times. That my friends is scary and overwhelming at times.
I may be scarce with the blogging this week. If any of you find yourself in Manhattan and want to see some Uncle Will, please do come. Come up to me after the show and introduce yourself to me! I am very friendly. All the info is in the flyer. Just click on and it will get bigger so you can see it better.
Don't worry, it's not Shakespeare with phony British accents and being high brow. No this is Shakespeare for the people. He wrote his works for regular people because he was one too. Only over the centuries has it evolved into something that people feel is something exclusive and refined. I feel Uncle Will would approve.
Hey Shell,
I saw your ocmments on Suzi Blu's blog and I thougth what a beautiful person you seem to be. I too am an actor(stage, television and movies). I also dabble in the arts and make a living as a doula and childbirth educator. If you get a chnace drop by my blog and say hello!
Hi Doulanana,
Thanks for the kind words. I checked out your blog, too. I set my dvr to record so I can see you on tv. I love to see fellow actors do good.
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