Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Opening night

Tonight is opening night for me. We had a long rehearsal yesterday. So I am so ready to do the show. You can rehearse to the cows come home. Performing in front of a live audience is totally different. The energy from the audience, from yourself and your fellow actors just mix to make it so alive. There is no greater high than being on stage for me.

Tonight and the next two nights, I will fuse my soul with Uncle Will and do my best to bring his sonnets to life.

Am I nervous? Yes. I am scared? Yes. Am I Happy? Yes and that is the most important. I am always happy when I'm acting.

It is also a Full Moon tonight as well. The Honeymoon which I think is where the word comes from since a lot of people get married in June. I feel this will make the night even more special.

Everyone have a wonderful Full Moon night. Wherever you are at nine pm tonight. Just say a prayer or send some energy for me. That's when the show begins. You can never have too much positive vibes sent your way!


Anonymous said...

We are sending you some from London,,,,vibes across the atlantic ocean!

Shell said...

Thanks so much for the transatlantic vibes. I love it!!! I love your blog and going to come by.

Sending An Angel said...

I am sending vibes of the power of attraction Shell,that your great performance will create a world of the perfection you posses!

tea time and roses said...

Hello Shell!

Wishing you the very best on your opening night! Oh how I wish I could see you on stage! Enjoy Enjoy!



Shell said...

Thank you so much Anitra and Beverly for you well wishes. Opening night went good. All your good energy had helped a lot.

Unknown said...

I came here via Beverly at Tea Time and Roses. I totally understand the energy of an audience. Dress rehearsals never come close and the chemistry of every audience is diverse. It's exhilarating, isn't it?

I teach Voice and Drama. I have also performed in Civic Light Opera and Community Theater. Currently, I am performing with an adult/teen drama team.

I can't wait to hear how opening night went!

Sending An Angel said...

That is soooo terrific Shell! I am so happy am can reach out so far!
Happy days!!!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging