Monday, October 30, 2017

Magical Monday

Happy Monday, my friends. It is almost that time. Jake has been saying Happy Halloween to people for about three weeks. I was very happy to tell him that tomorrow is the day! Are your ready? I actually carved a Pumpkin with Jake. Actually it is a lot easier that I thought it would be. Once you take of the top and clean out all the pulp and seeds, then you can start carving. Save the Pumpkin seeds. You can clean and roast them to eat. I like to use them for added omph for my candles for prosperity.

Can you feel it? With the longer nights and the falling leaves, the opening of the that time when the land between us and our loved ones that have crossed over is felt keenly to me. As much as I dig certain horror movies, it saddens me that the underlying theme of Halloween, Samhain or All Souls Night is buried. It really is a time to remember about our loved ones who have left us; and accept our own mortality. I read on instagram, someone said we are the new ancestors.

There is also magic in the air. For some, tomorrow is considered a New Year. It is a time to wear costumes and perhaps let another part of you out. You can celebrate tonight, tomorrow and on November 1st. The best ritual is to me simple: light a candle, watch a favorite magical movie, write a letter to a beloved lost one. Don't forget to indulge in yummy chocolate or candy.

I will be back tomorrow for another post on Halloween.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shell, thank you for this. Yes, I AM still catching up on Internet stuff, such as blog posts, and the like.

This was a beautiful post, and yes, the night before any Magickal Holy Day, such as Samhain/Halloween, would be quite Magical/Magickal, indeed.

It just so happens that my late maternal grandmother was a Scorpio, and I had been thinking about her a lot, probably for as long as Jacob had been saying "Happy Halloween" to everyone he met.

"We are the new ancestors." That is a statement that certainly inspires me to ponder for a very long time.

Happy Birthday David

  "Having all that - the fame and adulation and the women and all that stuff they talk about - doesn't make you happy. You have to ...