After I gave birth to Jacob, I kept feeling the urge to cut my hair off, again. Start from scratch. My 40's has been filled with a lot of changes for me. Most good yet some deeply painful. Finally, one Saturday the feeling to cut my hair became too strong to avoid. I told Sean to cut it off.

All the heavy stuff I had gone through just fell away. I felt lighter. This is not to say I don't miss my thick hair. I did. It still felt right to cut my hair.

As the months passed, it felt great to just get up and go. To look at my face in a different way with my hair was short.

Cutting my hair, as I began to release more weight, gave me extra confidence that I needec. After I had Jake, I look at pictures and go is that me? Now, I look at myself and see me.
I feel being happy with the way you look is important. The hair that I have been given is beautiful. I embrace it fully.

First, Shell, you look gorgeous, as usual, regardless of how long or short your hair is.
Second, you and I have had this conversation. I have always found myself Divinely Guided to cut my hair sometime after the Sun enters Virgo. I was originally going to have my head shaved bald, but with my schedule the last few months, that went way by the wayside.
And it might be a chronological age thing, as I began to feel this way about cutting my hair after I became 40 years-of-age, I began wanting to have my hair cut, buzzed, or shaved.
I might still do it, but have not decided, yet.
Thank you for another insightful post. Many Blessings.
You look beautiful!
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