Tuesday, December 15, 2015

This space is for peace and healing....

Happy Tuesday, my friends. This space is for peace and healing. If you are going into this Holiday season with troubles, worries, health concerns and other things weighing you down, I want to let you know you are not alone. Call on your Divine Creator, your guardian angels, celestial beings, your ancestors for help, guidance and love. Pain comes from the illusion that we are alone. We are always cared and loved for.

I'm here for you. If no one told you, I love you. I know you are destined for greatness. Keep on keeping.

Here are my favorite affirmations that I like to use:

Isn't it wonderful! Something marvelous is happening to me right now! I can feel it!

Miracles happen every day and one is coming my way today.

I deserve the best and accept the best now.

Also do this, go back into your memory to find a favorite memory when you were happy. Bask in it again like its happening now. Good feelings attracts good energy.

I'm wishing you all a wonderful Tuesday.



Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Thanks Shell for your beautiful words that I so needed to hear today!
One of my favorite bible verses comes from Psalm 23 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want". I repeat that often when my heart is heavy or burdened. Those words fill me with joy and peace every time I hear them.
Have a lovely day Shell, your blog is beautiful!
Tina xo

Judy Hartman said...

Hi Shell, I just saw this post and it resonated with me. There are so many people who are in pain during the holidays, this truly is a place of peace. Sorry I don't stop by more often, but it's always so refreshing when I do.

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging