Saturday, June 20, 2015

Midsummer's Eve

"A splendid Midsummer shone over England: skies so pure, suns so radiant as were then seen in long succession, seldom favour even singly, our wave-girt land. It was as if a band of Italian days had come from the South, like a flock of glorious passenger birds, and lighted to rest them on the cliffs of Albion. The hay was all got in; the fields round Thornfield were green and shorn; the roads white and baked; the trees were in their dark prime; hedge and wood, full-leaved and deeply tinted, contrasted well with the sunny hue of the cleared meadows between."
Jane Eyre, Chapter 23 by Charlotte Bronte

I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine.”
― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Faeries will be out tonight and tomorrow, be on your toes. If a too handsome stranger begs a kiss from you, he may not be all that he seems. Speaking of handsome, here is one of my favorites, Jensen Ackles singing Wild Mountain Thyme. Which is perfect for this Midsummer's Eve. I found this song two weeks ago and have been playing it nonstop. Enjoy.



Jennifer Michelle said...

Such lovely images and such a delightful man he is! Oh how I love this time of year!

Laura said...

Wishing you a wonderful summer Shell!

kerrdelune said...

Love this, and a very happy Midsummer to you!

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