Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Hello my friends, welcome to this New Year of 2015.

It's amazing how you can wake up into a new year. As I get older, sometimes transitioning in a New Year can be bittersweet because of people who have passed on in my life. The old year claims them. That is how life is. We carry our family and friends in our hearts and memories as we continue on in this journey called Life.

I know people get psyched up about making resolutions. The truth is you can always start fresh everyday. Besides New Year's Day, you can also start fresh on these special days such as your Birthday, Season changings, New Moons, the first of the month. Don't feel restricted to making a ton of lists and goals for 2015. What I do is just reactivate those yearly goals that I didn't get to the last year into the new year. Look back at some of your old resolutions and goals, see which ones feel right for 2015. Trust me you'll feel it in your heart.

I do like to choose a word for the year. I can't remember who I got the idea from. It is genius. My word for 2015 is Wild.

It popped into my head one day as I was thinking what the word would be. At first, I was like is this right? Wild kept coming back to me. I know the movie Wild came out starring Reese Witherspoon, which I do want to see, but the word resonated with me deeply. Wild reminds me of a beautiful garden that is able to grow without restriction or any alterations. Grows as it sees fit. The dictionary definition of Wild is living in a state of nature and not ordinarily tame or domesticated.

I am open to see where Wild will take me this year. I can do with a little less tameness in my life.

I am wishing you all a wonderful, creative, blessed and Happy New Year. Yes, Happy Thursday too.



Jennifer Michelle said...

Happy New Year Shell!

mxtodis123 said...

Happy New Year. Wishing all the best for you and yours throughout the coming year.

Dena Miller said...

Happy New Year Shell♥
Many Blessings!

Suzie Ridler said...

Happy New Year Shell and you're right, we can start over at any time. There is power in the collective of course but we have the power to renew whenever we want.

Great choice of words BTW! Wild, I love it. It speaks to me too and am glad it speaks to you. Enjoy its awesome power.

Judy Hartman said...

Wishing you a very happy new year Shell. I love your word "wild" - mine is "risk". Looks like we are both wanting to let loose a bit!! Wishing you wonderful things in 2015!

Tracy said...

Hi, Shell--Happy New Year! WILD is a wonderful word to explore for a new year, and I like you allusion to a garden growing in connection with this. Will be fun to see how your interpretation and dwelling with this word will be. :o) Many thanks for the welcome back... I was gone so long... LOL! I think I just needed a break--I was burned out, not feeling great, my spiritual life is VERY much affecting my creative life and that's been harder to share at times for the present at least... so much! But it's good to be back. And so glad to visit with you here. Making the rounds this week. I was offline a lot at Christmas--too much fun & feasting! ;o) Wishing you heart's content, creative fulfillment and much more--and happy times with your sweet family--in 2015! ((HUGS))

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