Thursday, November 6, 2014

Full Moon Nourishment

Hello, my friends.  It is time to dance, sing, and revel again. It is the Full Moon tonight. La Luna rides the skies in the energy of Taurus.

Taurus is an earth sign linked to the planet Venus.  Taurus luxuriates in beauty, food, clothes, home and prosperity. To me its a warm and sensual energy. Whatever is happening in your world, take time to feel and feed all your senses. Taurus energy is nice and slow. Like being on Vacation, where you give yourself the freedom to just be. For the tonight and the weekend just be all of you.

All my sun and moon Taurus babies, this is your special moon.

Here a sweet look back on previous Taurus Full Moon posts  here and here. As always, the energy of the Full Moon stays for a day or two afterward.

Have a blessed and bountiful Full Moon.



Lin from A {tiny} Cottage In The Woods said...

I do feel the energy from the full moon. I've always thought it was simply it's beauty!

Thank you for leaving me a comment about the preemie hats. My little granddaughter was born a preemie, and that is when I started making little hats and donating them. It is such a difficult time for both babies and family.

Your son was especially tiny. I am so glad he is doing well.


Victoria said...

Magical as beautiful Shell! Yes I can feel the wonderful vibes shining from your post! Another Full Moon of magic and blessings! Wishing your joy always!

Jennifer Michelle said...

That is me! I am loving your beautiful posts on the moon cycles. And the imagery is always so stunning!

Suzie Ridler said...

You know, the moon just seems to be so powerful where I am and hope that the energy of Taurus bring stability to everyone's lives. I love how you right about the energy of Taurus Shell!

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