Sunday, November 17, 2013

Full Moon Kiss

It's time to do our revel with the full moon. For the last few nights, I have been feeling the energy of the moon waxing. Glowing right outside my window. Almost as if waving to me in moonish delight. Last night, was foggy. So I may not be able to see la Luna, I know she is there. Tonight's Full Moon is in the earthy sign of Taurus. All my sun and moon sign Taurus babies this is your special moon!!

For the rest of us, we can still surf in her majestic energy. Taurus energy is grounded, fertile, lush and strong. If you have been feeling scattered, unable to get things done, the energy of this moon can give you a pick me up. As always, there are many ways to celebrate the Full Moon. For me, you can wear greens, yellows and browns in all their hues. This mean also to eat foods , burn candles, soak in bath gels in these colors.

As all full moons do, they have numerous names for them. One of the best names for us here in USA is calling this moon the Thanksgiving Full Moon since the holiday is next Thursday. The energy of the Full Moon lasts three days, spend time to write down a list in your journal or place it on your altar of all the things, people, events that you are grateful for. Being thankful makes you feel better and brings more wonderful experiences your way.

Always, follow your intuition on how you like to celebrate the Full Moon.You know best how to feed your soul. I'm wishing you all a beautiful and glorious full moon.



Dena Miller said...

Love the photo Shell...My sun sign is Taurus.. I have felt and experienced this full moon energy strongly as well. Totally cool when that happens!!!

Jennifer Michelle said...

I have noticed the beautiful moon these last few nights has been especially bright! Gorgeous picture and reflection on the moon. I am a moon gazer, even have a moon tattoo!

Victoria said...

So that image! Wonderful info and insights as always Shell..! I love moon magic and all the full moon energy vibing away! Wishing you blessings!

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