Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May Full Moon

Blessings to all my fellow dreamers on this Full Moon. It is the watery and deep feeling Scorpio energy that is riding in the air. Paired with the flowering abundance of Spring all around us it a Full Moon packed with creative energy.

All my Scorpio sun and moon sign babies this is your extra special moon.

This came to me last night so clear. I am sharing it with all of you. It is a simple visualization for this Full Moon.

Mirrors are linked to the element of water. Visualize a mirror in front of you.

You can sit or stand. Allow yourself to relax. Let your heart speak for you. What feelings have you buried in the deepest region of your heart? Feel your feelings. When you feel connected to your heart. Look into the mirror. The Mirror is going to reflect those deepest feelings within you. What do you see? Take note of all that is seen in the mirror. Know that it is safe to see this. When you have seen enough, the mirror will simply fade away.

You can act on your feelings or not. What is important to acknowledge your heart's longing. If you do the visualization, let me know how it turned out. For me, it was comforting and healing. Burying your feelings is never good for your spirit in the long run.

Wishing you all a lovely full moon.



Jennifer Michelle said...

Happy full moon, hopefully the clouds go away soon so I'll be able to see it!

Dena Miller said...

Such a great Post!!!! I have always felt that a mirror is a truly a window to your soul if only we look for our soul there...we will find it! Hope your Full Moon Celebration was Beautiful!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging