Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Goodbye Miss Maya

Dr. Maya Angelou for so many people, including me, was a living fount of wisdom. I adore this picture of a young and vibrant Maya. Even as she grew older, this Maya lived on through her poetry and books. I can hear Maya , through this picture, reminding me : " The first time people show you who they are, believe them." This is so true!

One of my favorite crative works by Dr. Angelou is the movie Down in The Delta (1998) she directed starring Alfre Woodward and Wesley Snipes. If you have never seen it, see if you can find it. It is a good life affirming movie.

Thank you Maya for all the beauty, poetry, wisdom and love you shared with all of us. You have left us all a great legacy.



mxtodis123 said...

She was a very special woman who will be greatly missed. May she RIP.

Jennifer Michelle said...

Such an amazing person. I always love watching interviews with her, she was just relaxing to watch because it seemed like everything she said was the exact right thing you needed to hear at that moment. So wise, and so comforting!

Wordless Wednesday: Crystals charging