Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Moon

Happy New Year everyone! 2014 is officially here. Are you ready?

I know people go into a frenzy with resolutions or word for the year. You don't have to follow the crowd. Celebrate the first day of the New Year, the way you want to. That can be spending the day in your pajamas watching old movies. (That sounds heavenly by the way.) Having a day off from technology to read books, paint and write.

New Year's Day is not the only day of the year to make a fresh start. There are other times of the year that sparkle with extra energy.

Your birthday
The first day of Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn
New Moon and/or Full Moons
The first of any month
A favorite holiday of yours
Feast day of a favorite saint or divinity.

This New Year's Day does happen to be extra special. It is a New Moon. I read this is the first time a new moon fell on the first day of the year. The new moon is in Capricorn.

Capricorn energy is all about earth energy. This encompasses food, money, business and your physical body. So tonight and tomorrow, ponder on one of the subjects. Which ever calls you to most. Make a plan or just dream of where you want to go with any of these.
You can...
make plans to learn more recipes,
eat healthier food,
write a business plan,
switch careers,
open up a 401k,
balance your checking account better
learn a new physical activity
make time to relearn meditating.

So many options for you my friends. What am I going to do tonight?

Going to take a nice long bath, watch my beautiful green candle glow for the new moon and dream.

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year.

P.S. I'm a proud affiliate of Leonie Dawson's Amazing Biz and Life Academy. Her 2014 Life and Biz workbooks are still available now. They have been and still are a wonderful resource of inspiration and action for me.


Dena Miller said...

Oh what a great Day Indeed....Blessings are so abundant!
Hope you had a Lovely Celebration Shell!

Jennifer Michelle said...

Happy New Year lovely Shell. I was happy to spend my New Year's day in full relaxation, without giving myself any chores to do, or work! It was peaceful.

Tracy said...

Happy New Year, Shell! Hope you & yours had a lovely Christmas holiday. So nice to see you here post-Christmas & travels. I'm a Capricorn and this New Year Moon is VERY exciting! I'm still journaling plans & ideas for 2014... no big "resolutions" for me. Do-able goals and some happy dreams. :o) Here's to all the BEST for magical days & dreams come true in the new year! ((HUGS))

Judy Hartman said...

Dear Shell,
What a lovely New Year's post! I wish you many blessings and graces this year. We spent a very quiet NY's day, after over a week of company. Nice to get back to our lives and looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!
Happy New Year, Shell!

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