Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Riding With Unicorns

By Day ...

By Night...

By sunshine...

By moonlight...

Unicorns are there.

I've like many others, have always been enchanted by Unicorns since I was little. Now, I have been feeling them call to me again in a deeper way. They are calling me to let go of my old defenses, follow a different path with my intuition and travel to unknown shores. When you hear the call of the Unicorn, you have to follow them. I have found Unicorns to be wise and kind old friends. They will never lead you astray.

Unicorn Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Here is a little Unicorn fun for you below. The Unicorns enjoy laughter and fun, they feel we should to.

Get your own unicorn name from the unicorn name generator!

My unicorn name is: Daffodil Dapple Pony

Daffodil is very cute.
She is a dappled beauty,
and she brings the sunshine and chases away clouds.
Get your own unicorn name from the unicorn name generator!


PS. I'm a proud affiliate of Leonie Dawson's Amazing Biz and Life Academy. Her 2014 Life and Biz workbooks are available now. Go and get them. They are a wonderful resource for inspiration and action.


Jennifer Michelle said...

Beautiful pictures. My unicorn name is Lavender Dapple Cheeks!

Anonymous said...

Shell, what a great post. And it is no coincidence, that I saw a Unicorn image a few hours ago, on--of all things--a calendar of NYC cab drivers for 2014.

For me, Unicorns have always represented Magick and Healing. And your post leads me to begin using Doreen Virtue's "Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards," her seventh Oracle Card Deck.

Oh, and my Unicorn Name (which really makes sense to me) is Acorn Celestial Moon.

Thanks, again, for another great blog post.

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

I adore and love Unicorns! They are awesome and so is the post! Sending you and the family a big hug for Christmas.
Best to you all.

Dena Miller said...

Shell, I have always adored Unicorns!!! They are truly so magical!!! Quite a while ago, I had recorded a cover of John Lennon's "Imagine" and used a Unicorn photo for the video frame...it just made sense to me. If you are interested in listening you can find the video here: http://youtu.be/bvCUgcQHc78
Hope you enjoy♥
Bright Blessings,

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